Worksheet on Types of Birds - Class 3 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Solved Questions on Types of Birds

1. While boating with his family, Phil noticed nests burrowed into the river bank. Can you help him identify the bird species to which these nests belong?

a) birds3-q1a
b) birds3-q1b
c) birds3-q1c
d) birds3-q1d

Answer: d) Kingfishers are known to build burrowed nests into river banks where they can easily catch their fish prey.

2. Identify the beak of the claws that are used to scratch and dig the ground in search of seeds and worms.

a) birds3-q2a
b) birds3-q2b
c) birds3-q2c
d) birds3-q2d

Answer: b) Scratching birds like hens have sharp and hard claws with three toes in front and one at the back. They use claws to scratch and dig the ground in search of seeds and worms.

3. Name the bird whose beak is shown in the picture.


a) Eagle
b) Parrot
c) Duck
d) Peacock

Answer: a) Eagles have a hooked beak that is designed for tearing and ripping the flesh of their prey.

4. Which of the following birds use the material shown in the picture to build their nest?


a) Tailor bird
b) Woodpecker
c) Partridge
d) Penguin

Answer: d) Penguins live in cold places with limited access to twigs and leaves, so they make their nests using small stones and pebbles.

5. Match the following.

Column I

Column II

1. Flight Feathers

A) These are like a blanket that keeps the bird comfortable.

2. Down Feathers

B) They provide protection and camouflage to the bird.

3. Body Feathers

C) They provide stability during flight.

a) 1:A, 2:C, 3:B
b) 1:C, 2:A, 3:B
c) 1:C, 2:B, 3:A
d) 1:A, 2:B, 3:C

Answer: b) Flight Feathers: They provide stability during flight.
Down Feathers: These are like a blanket that keeps the bird comfortable.
Body Feathers: They provide protection and camouflage to the bird.


1. How are birds classified?

Birds are divided into groups based on similarities in their anatomy, environment, and behaviour. They are normally classified into orders, families and species.

2. What are some examples of flightless birds?

Flightless birds include penguins, ostriches, emus and kiwis. These birds developed to exist in conditions where flying is either not required or difficult.

3. What is the scientific name of a bird?

A bird's scientific name consists of two parts: genus and species.

Here are some examples of common birds with their scientific name.

Bird Name Scientific Name
Crow Corvous Corone
Cuckoo Cuculidae Cuculiformes
Dove Columbidae Colombiformes
Duck Anatidae Anseriformes
Eagle Aquila Accipitridae
Parrot Phaethontidae Psittaciformes

4. What are scratching birds?

Scratching birds are those that use their feet to scratch at the ground in search of food, typically insects, seeds, or other small organisms. Examples of scratching birds include:

  1. Chicken
  2. Turkey
  3. Quail
  4. Pheasant
  5. Guineafowl

5. What is the genus name for birds?

Birds are classified as Aves in Linnaeus' taxonomy. As a result, birds are classified under the genus Aves.

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