Worksheet on Parts of a Plant - Class 3 Notes & Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 3 on Parts of a Plant

1. While helping his mom in their vegetable garden, Dustin noticed that the carrot had little thread-like roots coming off from the sides. Help him identify the type of these roots.


a) Taproot
b) Aerial root
c) Fibrous root
d) Underground root

Answer: a) Carrot is an example of a taproot where the main root of the plant grows straight down into the soil. It has many smaller roots branching off from it.

2. Both the flowers and fruits of this plant are edible. Identify the plant.

a) plants3-q2a
b) plants3-q2b
c) plants3-q2c
d) plants3-q2d

Answer: d) Banana has edible fruits and flowers.

3. Which of the following part helps in gaseous exchange in plants?

a) plants3-q3a
b) plants3-q3b
c) plants3-q3c
d) plants3-q3d

Answer: c) Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through leaves.

4. Which of the following seed can grow into a healthy young plant?

a) Seed without an embryo
b) Seed planted in dry soil
c) Seed planted in a dark room
d) Seed planted in a moist and sunlit area

Answer: d) Plants need a viable seed, plenty of sunlight and water to grow.

5. Observe the following picture and select the statement that explains the suitable function of the flower.


a) Flowers come in vibrant colours.
b) Flowers attract insects.
c) Some flowers are edible.
d) Flowers have a lovely fragrance.

Answer: b) One of the main jobs of a flower is to attract insects, bees, and butterflies.

FAQs on Parts of a Plant

1. What are the main parts of a plant?

The main parts of a plant are root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds.

2. What are the different types of root?

The different types of roots are tap root, fibrous root, adventitious root, storage root, Prop Roots, aerial roots, water roots, parasitic roots etc.

3. What are the different types of root systems with examples?

There are mainly two types of root systems.

a. Tap root system - Carrots, mustard, radish, turnip, and beetroot etc.
b. Fibrous root system - Grasses, wheat, rice, corn, rosemary, and coconut etc.

4. What are the flowers that we eat?

Here are some examples of flowers that we eat.

a. Marigolds
b. Roses
c. Lavender
d. Violets

5. What are the roles of fruits in a plant?

Fruits are usually mature ovaries of flowers that carry seeds. They help in seed distribution, allowing new plants to grow in different places.

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