Worksheet on Spoken and Written Expressions for Class 3

Questions on Spoken and Written Expressions - Class 3

Read the given conversation and fill in the blanks to complete it:

Tom: Hey, Lily, did you grasp everything about the heart and its complications in class?
Lily: Hmm, mostly. I understood how blood _____1_____ through the heart, but I'm a ___2_____ about the diseases affecting it.
Tom: Yeah, me too. The difference between heart attacks and other heart issues wasn't entirely clear.
Lily: Right! And what about those __4____ the teacher mentioned? I'm not ___3____ what they are or how they happen.
Tom: I think we might need to go over our notes again or maybe check with the teacher during the next class to____5____.

1. What can fit in blank 1?

a) circulates
b) revolves
c) retires
d) roams

Answer: a)

2. What can fit in blank 2?

a) empirical
b) bit confused
c) spellbound
d) confident

Answer: b)

3. What can fit in blank 3?

a) entirely sure
b) pretty know
c) damn confidence
d) thoughtfully aware

Answer: a)

4. What can fit in blank 4?

a) valves
b) wolves
c) vaults
d) walvues

Answer: b)

5. What can fit in blank 5?

a) clear things up
b) mess a little
c) clear the clouds
d) buster the confusion

Answer: a)

Read the given conversation and fill in the blanks from 6-10 to complete it:

Amelia: Hey, Robin! Ready for the English class on 'The Tempest'?
Robin: Yeah, but I forgot my notes at home. Could I __6___ yours for today's discussion?
Amelia: Sure thing, no problem! I've got detailed summaries and character___7____.
Robin: That would be____8___, thanks a lot! I'll make sure to return them after class.
Amelia: Don't worry about it. I'll ___9____with you. It's easier to follow along together when we discuss it.
Robin: Thanks a ton, Amelia! You're a ___10____.

6. What can fit in blank 6?

a) borrow
b) lend
c) send
d) mend

Answer: a)

7. What can fit in blank 7?

a) analyses
b) analyse
c) analyis
d) analytics

Answer: a)

8. What can fit in blank 8?

a) mundane
b) awesome
c) advanced
d) admire

Answer: b)

9. What can fit in blank 9?

a) share my notes
b) break my nodes
c) sail together with you
d) function this out with you

Answer: a)

10. What can fit in blank 10?

a) lifesaver
b) drab
c) nerd
d) generous

Answer: a)

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