Worksheet on Time

Practice Questions on Time

Solved Questions on Time

1. Your age is 10 years old. If your sister's age is half of yours, what is your sister's age after 20 years?


a) 15 years
b) 20 years
c) 25 years
d) 30 years

Answer: c) 25 years

Explanation: Your age is 10 years old.
If your sister's age is half yours, then
your sister's age = 10 ÷ 2
                         = 5 years

After 20 years, 

Your age after 20 years = 10 + 20
                                   = 30 years

your sister's age after 20 years = 5 + 20
                                              = 25 years

2. What will be the time displayed on the clock after 95 minutes?


a) 03:00
b) 03:45
c) 04:00 
d) 04:45 

Answer: a) 03:00 

Explanation: Time displayed on the clock is 01:25.

After 95 minutes,

95 minutes = 60 minutes + 35 minutes
                   = 1 hour + 35 minutes

Time after 95 minutes = 01:25 + 1 hour + 35 minutes 

= 02:25 + 35 minutes
= 02:00 + 25 minutes+ 35 minutes
= 02:00 + 60 minutes
= 02:00 + 1 hour
= 03:00

Time displayed on the clock after 95 minutes will be 03:00.

3. If today is Wednesday, which day is the day before tomorrow?

a) Thursday
b) Wednesday
c) Tuesday
d) Monday

Answer: b) Wednesday

Explanation: If today is Wednesday, tomorrow will be Thursday. The day before tomorrow is today itself, which is Wednesday. The days are marked in the figure below:


4. How many seconds are present in 13 minutes 35 seconds?

a) 715 seconds
b) 785 seconds
c) 805 seconds
d) 815 seconds

Answer: d) 815 seconds

Explanation: 13 minutes 35 seconds 
= 13 minutes + 35 seconds
= (13 × 60) seconds + 35 seconds
= 780 seconds + 35 seconds
= 815 seconds

5. Fill up the blank:

Two weeks is equal to __________ hours.

a) 160 hours
b) 168 hours
c) 330 hours
d) 336 hours

Answer: d) 336 hours

Explanation: A week has 7 days and one day has 24 hours.
1 week = 7 days
           = 7 × 24 hours
           = 168 hours

2 weeks = 2 × 168 hours 
             = 336 hours

Two weeks is equal to 336  hours.

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