Worksheet on Weight

Practice Questions on Weight

Solved Questions on Weight

1. What is the weight of a packet of rice if the total weight of the rice packets shown in the figure is 204 kg?


a) 7 kg
b) 13 kg
c) 17 kg
d) 27 kg

Answer: c) 17 kg

Explanation: Total weight of the rice packets shown in the figure = 204 kg
Number of packets of rice = 12
Weight of a packet of rice = 204 12
                                      = 17 kg

2. What is the weight of the vegetables if the weight of the basket is 275 g?


a) 725 g
b) 875 g
c) 925 g
d) 1125 g

Answer: c) 925 g

Explanation: Total weight shown on the weighing machine = 1200 g 
Weight of basket = 275 g
Weight of vegetables = 1200 − 275
                               = 925 g

3. If the weight of a sugar pouch is 6 pounds, what is the weight in ounces of the three more sugar pouches than shown in the figure?


a) 556 ounces
b) 1056 ounces
c) 1654 ounces
d) 2056 ounces

Answer: b) 1056 oz

Explanation: Weight of a sugar pouch = 6 lbs
The number of sugar pouches in the figure = 8
The number of three more sugar pouches than shown in the figure = 8 + 3
= 11
Weight of 11 sugar pouches = 6 × 11
= 66 lbs
Weight of 11 sugar pouches in ounces = 66 lbs
= 66 × 16 oz
= 1056 oz.

4. The weight of the girl is 4 kilograms less than the weight of the boy. What is the weight of the boy in grams if the weight of the girl is 27 kilograms?


a) 24000 g
b) 27000 g
c) 31000 g
d) 36000 g

Answer: c) 31000 g

Explanation: The weight of the girl is 4 kg less than the weight of the boy. This means that the weight of the boy is 4 kg more than the weight of the girl.
Weight of the boy = 4 kg + Weight of the girl
= 4 kg + 27 kg
= 31 kg
Weight of the boy in grams = 31 × 1000
= 31000 g

5. What is the total weight of a dumbbell if the weight of a disc is 5 kg and a rod is 950 g?


a) 5 kg 950 g
b) 6 kg 850 g
c) 10 kg 950 g
d) 11 kg 850 g

Answer: c) 10 kg 950 g

Explanation: Weight of 1 disc = 5 kg
Weight of 2 discs = 2 × 5
= 10 kg
Weight of a rod = 950 g
Total weight of a dumbbell = 10 kg + 950 g = 10 kg 950 g

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