Worksheet on Adverbs for Class 4

Questions on Adverbs and Its Types - Class 4

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

1. The vegetables in our garden are grown________, without the use of any synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.

Adverbs - Garden

a) organically
b) typically
c) basically
d) favourably

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

2. The teacher asked us to be prepared for the unit test _________.

a) tentatively
b) rigidly
c) positively
d) negatively

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

3. She wasn't hungry; she ______ wanted a small snack.

a) severely
b) merely
c) likely
d) unlikely

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

4. Danny and his friends searched for his lost pet dog ________.

Adverbs - Lost dog

a) nowhere
b) everywhere
c) almost
d) very

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

5. Realising she was late, she packed her bag _______ and rushed out the door to catch the bus.

a) hastily
b) merely
c) severely
d) fastly

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

6. I found this scholar _______ well-read.

a) extremely
b) only
c) frantically
d) lovely

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

7. I would ________ read a book than watch television in the evening.

a) rather
b) very
c) hurriedly
d) securely

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

8. His ________ helped us which prevented the situation from getting worse.

a) timely
b) lately
c) recently
d) critically

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

9. She visits the library _________ to borrow books and explore new stories.

Adverbs - Library

a) frequently
b) rare
c) quite
d) recently

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

10. She _________ approached the stage, hesitant to speak in front of the large audience.

a) bravely
b) briskly
c) rarely
d) timidly

Answer: d)

11. Fill in the blank using an appropriate adverb:

This question is ______ difficult for me. (CREST 2021- 22)

Adverbs - Difficult question

a) enough 
b) too
c) ago 
d) only

Answer: b)

12. What does the adverb in the sentence "Jack ran quickly to the store" describe?

a) Jack
b) ran
c) store
d) to

Answer: b) 

Fill in the following given blanks with the correct adverbs:

13. They _______ do grocery shopping together.

Adverbs - Grocery Shopping

a) loudly
b) daily
c) always
d) slowly

Answer: c) 

14. Children have been playing __________ since morning.

Adverbs - Children are playing

a) inside
b) for
c) since
d) outside

Answer: d) 

15. _______, we couldn't attend the party due to some urgency.

a) sadly
b) badly
c) quickly
d) hurridly

Answer: a) 

16. Fill in the blank with the correct adverb to complete the sentence: 

I reached the station an hour _______. (CREST 2022-23)

a) ago 
b) enough 
c) too 
d) only

Answer: a) 

Identify the adverb in the following given sentences:

17. The teacher explained the concept very clearly.

Adverbs - Teacher explaining questions

a) teacher
b) explained
c) concept
d) clearly

Answer: d) 

18. Eventually, he finished his meeting.

a) eventually
b) he
c) finished
d) work

Answer: a) 

19. Unfortunately, the show was cancelled because of heavy snowfall.

a) unfortunately
b) show
c) cancelled
d) snowfall

Answer: a) 

20. Spot the adverb in the given sentence:

A poor beggar stood there for long. I didn’t have any money to give him. (CREST 2023-24)

Adverbs - Poor Beggar

a) poor 
b) beggar
c) stood 
d) there

Answer: a)

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