Worksheet on Classification of Animals Based on Their Habitat - Class 4 Notes

Solved Questions on Classification of Animals Based on Their Habitats

1. What do the animals shown in the picture have in common?


a) Both of them give birth to young ones
b) Both of them have shells
c) Both of them lay eggs
d) Both of them live in water

Answer: c) Snakes and crocodiles are reptiles and reproduce by laying eggs rather than giving birth to live young.

2. Animal Z has the following characteristic features:

1. Feathered wings
2. Beak and claws
3. Warm-blooded
4. Can fly

Identify 'Z':

a) animals-classification-q2a
b) animals-classification-q2b
c) animals-classification-q2c
d) animals-classification-q2d

Answer: d) Sparrow has feathered wings, beak and claws. It is a warm-blooded animal and can fly.

3. Which of the following characteristic shows a similarity between a duck and a frog?


a) Being cold-blooded
b) Breathing through the gills
c) Being warm-blooded
d) Having webbed feet

Answer: d) Both ducks and frogs have webbed feet adapted for swimming and help these animals move efficiently in water.

4. What is the structure that animals like ants, spiders, and butterflies have instead of a backbone?

a) Scales
b) Exoskeleton
c) Gills
d) Wings

Answer: b) Animals like ants, spiders, and butterflies are invertebrates. They have an exoskeleton instead of a backbone.

5. Match the following.

Column I

Column II

1. Kangaroo Rat

A) Has thick lips and skin, and long eyelashes

2. Camel

B) Has a thick layer of fat under their skin.

3. Polar Bear

C) Can survive without drinking water.

a) 1:C, 2:A, 3:B
b) 1:B, 2:A, 3:C
c) 1:A, 2:C, 3:B
d) 1:B, 2:C, 3:A

Answer: a) Kangaroo Rat: Can survive without drinking water.
Camel: Have thick lips and skin, and long eyelashes
Polar Bear: Has a thick layer of fat under their skin.


1. What is the classification of animals based on their habitats?

Animals can be grouped according to where they live, such as in the water, on land, or in the air, using the habitat grouping system.

2. What are some examples of animals that live in the ocean?

Sea turtles, fish, dolphins, whales, and sharks are a few types of water animals. They have unique adaptations for living in the water.

3. Which animals are classified as terrestrial or land animals?

Animals that stay mostly on land are referred to as terrestrial or land animals. Lions, elephants, kangaroos, and wolves are a few examples.

4. What are some characteristics of animals that live in forests and jungles?

Many animals found in woods and jungles have evolved to be able to climb and survive in the thick leaves. Tigers, monkeys, and tree frogs are a few examples.

5. Are there animals that can live in more than one habitat?

Certain creatures are indeed adaptable to a variety of environments. Raccoons, for example, can be discovered in both urban and rural locations, while ducks can be found in city parks and freshwater ponds.

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