Worksheet on Earth and Other Planets - Class 4 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 4 on Earth and Other Planets

Solved Questions on Earth and Other Planets

1. Look at the picture below and identify the phenomenon shown in the picture.


a) Formation of daytime and nighttime
b) Movement of planets
c) Solar eclipse
d) Change in seasons

Answer: d) The image shows the Earth's revolution around the Sun, which is responsible for the change in seasons.

2 Planet X is an outer planet. It is different from other planets as it experiences extreme seasons due to its unique orbit on its side. Identify Planet X.

a) Saturn
b) Neptune
c) Uranus
d) Jupiter

Answer: c) Uranus is the planet that experiences extreme seasons due to its unique orbit on its side.

3. Name the planet that has the following characteristics:

A. It is the second closest planet to the Sun.
B. It is known as the hottest planet in our solar system due to its thick atmosphere.
C. It does not have any natural satellites or moons.

a) Venus
b) Mercury
c) Mars
d) Earth

Answer: a) Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun. It is known as the hottest planet in our solar system due to its thick atmosphere. It does not have any natural satellites or moons.

4. Why is understanding the rotation of the Earth important?

a) It helps determine the length of a year
b) It allows us to predict the occurrence of solar eclipses
c) It helps in determining what time it is in different places.
d) It assists in understanding the formation of the Moon.

Answer: c) Understanding the rotation of the Earth is important because it helps us determine what time it is in different parts of the world. As the Earth rotates, different regions move in and out of sunlight, creating the cycle of day and night.

5. Match the following.

Column I Column II
1. Neptune A) Maximum number of moons
2. Jupiter B) Smallest planet
3. Saturn C) Great Red Spot
4. Mercury D) Slowest revolution speed

a) 1:A, 2:C, 3:B, 4:D
b) 1:D, 2:C, 3:A, 4:B
c) 1:B, 2:C, 3:A, 4:D
d) 1:D, 2:A, 3:C, 4:B

Answer: b) Neptune: Slowest revolution speed
Jupiter: Great Red Spot
Saturn: Maximum number of moons
Mercury: Smallest planet

FAQs on Earth and Other Planets

1. How is earth different from other planets?

The planet Earth is the only one where breathing is possible for humans, both inside the solar system and beyond. The habitable zone, which is the precise distance between Earth and the sun that separates the terrestrial planet from space, is where Earth is located.

FAQs on Earth and Other Planets

1. Why is Earth called the "Blue Planet"?

Earth is known as the "Blue Planet" because of its massive seas, which give it a mostly blue appearance from space. There isn't another planet in our solar system that looks quite like this blue.

2. Do other planets have seasons like Earth?

Yes, some planets have seasons, but they are different from Earth. For example, Mars has seasons caused by its axial tilt, similar to Earth, but the lengths and weather patterns are distinct.

3. Why does Earth have day and night, and do other planets have them too?

As the Earth revolves like a top, day and darkness are formed. Other worlds have day and night as well, though their lengths may be very different from ours.

4. Do other planets have Earth-like moons?

Yes, moons are present on many planets! However, because Earth's Moon is larger than Earth and brightens our night sky, it is much more unique.

5. Why doesn't the Earth float in space like a balloon?

The Earth doesn't float away in space because the Earth remains in its orbit due to the gravitational attraction of the Sun.

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