Worksheet on Length

Practice Questions on Length

Solved Questions on Length

1. If the height of each tree is 132 inches, what is the sum of the heights in feet of the given trees?


a) 11 feet
b) 22 feet
c) 33 feet
d) 66 feet

Answer: c) 33 feet

Explanation: Height of a tree = 132 inches

Height of a tree in feet = 132 ÷ 12 
                                  = 11 feet

Height of 3 trees in feet = 11 × 3 feet 
                                    = 33 feet

2. The length of the bridge is 4/5 of 990 metres. What is the length of the bridge in centimetres?


a) 75900 cm 
b) 79500 cm 
c) 72900 cm 
d) 79200 cm 

Answer: d) 79200 cm 

Explanation: Length of the bridge = (4/5) × 990 m
                                                    = 792 m

Length of the bridge in cm = 792 × 100 
                                        = 79200 cm 

3. What is the length in centimetres of rope in each bundle if the total length of rope in all the bundles is 124 metres?


a) 1500 cm
b) 1550 cm
c) 1600 cm
d) 1650 cm

Answer: b) 1550 cm

Explanation: Total length of rope in all the bundles = 124 m

Length of rope in each bundle = 124 ÷ 8
                                             = 15.5 m

Length (cm) of rope in each bundle = 15.5 × 100
                                                     = 1550 cm

4. A kid's bicycle covers 5500 m in 11 minutes. What is the distance in kilometres covered by a bicycle in an hour?


a) 15 km
b) 20 km
c) 25 km
d) 30 km

Answer: d) 30 km 

Explanation: Distance covered by a kid's bicycle in 11 minutes = 5500 m
Distance covered by a kid's bicycle in 1 minute = 5500 ÷ 11
                                                                     = 500 m

Distance covered by a kid's bicycle in 60 minutes (1 hour) = 500 × 60
                                                                                     = 30000 m

Distance in kilometres covered by a kid's bicycle in an hour = 30000 ÷ 1000
                                                                                      = 30 km

5. The tailor needs 5 m 60 cm of clothes to make a shirt and 8 m 75 cm of the same clothes to make a trouser. What is the total length of clothes required to make three shirts and two trousers?


a) 34 m 30 cm
b) 34 m 60 cm
c) 43 m 30 cm
d) 43 m 60 cm

Answer: a) 34 m 30 cm

Explanation: The tailor needs clothes to make a shirt = 5 m 60 cm
                                                                                = 5 m + 60 cm
                                                                                 = (5 × 100) cm + 60 cm
                                                                                  = 500 cm + 60 cm
                                                                                   = 560 cm

The tailor needs clothes to make 3 shirts = 560 × 3
                                                            = 1680 cm

The tailor needs clothes to make a trouser = 8 m 75 cm 
                                                               = 8 m + 75 cm
                                                                = (8 × 100) cm + 75 cm
                                                                 = 800 cm + 75 cm
                                                                  = 875 cm

The tailor needs clothes to make 2 trousers = 875 × 2
                                                                = 1750 cm

Total length of clothes required to make three shirts and two trousers 

= (1680 + 1750) cm
= 3430 cm
= 3400 cm + 30 cm
= (3400/100) m + 30 cm
= 34 m 30 cm

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