Worksheet on Money

Practice Questions on Money

Solved Questions On Money

1. The cost of plates is £56, the cost of bowls is £19, the cost of cups is £12 and the cost of spoons is £7. What is the amount paid for the five sets of these items if each contains all these items?


a) £47
b) £94
c) £470
d) £940

Answer: c) £470

Explanation: Cost of plates = £56
Cost of bowls = £19
Cost of cups = £12
Cost of spoons = £7

Total cost of each set = £56 + £19 + £12 + £7 = £94

Amount paid for the five sets of these items = £94 × 5 = £470

2. A cardboard box consisting of 40 oranges. If the cost of an orange is ¥1.5, What is the cost of eight cardboard boxes?


a) ¥120
b) ¥240
c) ¥480
d) ¥540

Answer: c) ¥480

Explanation: Number of oranges in one cardboard box = 40 oranges
Number of oranges in eight cardboard boxes = 40 × 8 = 320 oranges
Cost of an oranges = ¥1.5
Cost of 8 cardboard boxes (180 oranges) = ¥1.5 × 320 = ¥480.

3. The price of a seventy kilogram barley is £980. What is the price of 15 kilograms of barley?


a) £200
b) £210
c) £230
d) £280

Answer: b) £210

Explanation: Price of 70 kg of barley = £980
Price of 1 kg of barley = £980 ÷ 70 = £14
Price of 15 kg of barley = £14 × 15 = £210

4. If the cost of a bucket is $7.5, what is the cost of four fewer buckets than the bucket given below?


a) $87.5
b) $97.5 
c) $107.5 
d) $117.5

Answer: b) $97.5 

Explanation: Cost of 1 bucket = $7.5
Number of four fewer buckets than the given buckets = 17 − 4 = 13
Cost of 13 buckets = $7.5 × 13 = $97.5

5. The cost of a grater is ?42 more than the cost of a spatula and the cost of a knife is ?46 less than the cost of a grater. What is the amount paid for these items if the cost of a spatula is $17?


a) $89
b) $98
c) $99
d) $108

Answer: a) $89

Explanation: Cost of a spatula = $17
Cost of a grater is ?42 more than the cost of a spatula = $17 + ?42 = $59
Cost of a knife is ?46 less than the cost of a grater = $59 − $46 = $13
Amount paid for these items = $17 + $59 + $13 = $89

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