Worksheet on Natural Resources - Class 4 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 4 on Natural Resources

Solved Questions on Natural Resources

1. Which of the following is an application of renewable energy?

a) Burning coal for electricity
b) Using wind turbines to generate electricity
c) Extracting natural gas for heating
d) Using petrol for transportation

Answer: b) Using wind turbines to generate electricity is an example of a renewable energy application. Wind turbines use the power of the wind to produce electricity, helping to reduce pollution and protect the environment.

2. What is the main difference between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy?

a) Renewable sources can be replaced quickly, while non-renewable sources cannot.
b) Renewable sources are harmful to the environment, while non-renewable sources are not.
c) Renewable sources are made by humans, while non-renewable sources are natural.
d) Renewable sources are cheaper than non-renewable sources.

Answer: a) The main difference between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy is that renewable sources can be replenished or replaced naturally or through human efforts over a relatively short period of time, while non-renewable sources cannot.

3. A student wants to investigate the effectiveness of solar energy to heat water. Which of the following materials would be best to use in the experiment?

a) natural-resources4-q3a
b) natural-resources4-q3b
c) natural-resources4-q3c
d) natural-resources4-q3d

Answer: b) Solar panels are specifically designed to convert sunlight into usable energy, making them ideal for harnessing solar energy to heat water.

4. Which of the following is an example of a non-renewable energy source?

a) Hydroelectric power
b) Wind turbines
c) Natural Gas
d) Tidal energy

Answer: c) Natural gas is a fossil fuel formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals and is considered a non-renewable resource.

5. Why is it important to take care of the environment and use renewable sources of energy?

a) They are cheaper than non-renewable sources.
b) They are easier to find and extract.
c) They have a longer lifespan than non-renewable sources.
d) They help reduce pollution and protect our health.

Answer: d) It is important to take care of the environment and use renewable sources of energy because they help reduce pollution and protect our health.


1. What are natural resources?

Natural resources are things or substances that are present in the environment and are utilised for a variety of purposes by people and other living things.

2. Why are natural resources important?

Natural resources are essential to our survival and welfare. They supply the basic components needed for other essentials like energy, food, and shelter.

3. How can natural resources be classified?

There are two primary categories of natural resources: non-renewable resources, which are limited and difficult to reclaim, and renewable resources, which are naturally renewed.

4. What is recycling, and how does it help natural resources?

The reuse of materials to make new goods is known as recycling. Because fewer new raw materials need to be extracted and processed, it contributes to the conservation of natural resources.

5. Can natural resources be replenished once they are exhausted?

Some natural resources, such as fossil fuels, are non-renewable and difficult to reclaim, but other resources may be restored. The preservation of equilibrium is greatly aided by conservation initiatives.

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