Worksheet on Phases of the Moon and Constellations - Class 4 Notes

Questions with Explanations for Class 4 on Phases of the Moon and Constellations

Solved Questions on Phases of the Moon and Constellations

1. What causes shooting stars to appear as bright streaks of light in the sky?

a) The reflection of sunlight on the Moon's surface
b) The collision of comets
c) The burning of rocks or dust in Earth's atmosphere
d) The gravitational pull of the earth

Answer: c) Meteors, often referred to as "shooting stars," are caused by the burning of rocky debris from space as they enter Earth's atmosphere.

2. When the moon is in the first quarter phase, what percentage of its surface is visible from Earth?

a) 25%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 100%

Answer: b) During the first quarter phase of the moon, half of its surface is illuminated by sunlight. This means that 50% of the moon's surface is visible from Earth during this phase.

3. Identify the difference between the celestial bodies shown in the picture.


a) Asteroids are made of rock and metal, while comets are made of ice and rock.
b) Asteroids are found between Jupiter and Saturn, while comets are found beyond Neptune.
c) Asteroids have a tail of gas and dust when they approach the Sun, while comets do not.
Comets are called planetoids and they are larger than asteroids in size.

Answer: a) Asteroids are rocky and metallic objects that are primarily composed of rocks and metals. On the other hand, comets are made up of a mixture of rock, dust, and ice.

4. Which of the following is not an application of artificial satellites?

a) Communication and broadcasting
b) Weather forecasting and monitoring
c) Space exploration and research
d) Formation of constellations in the sky

Answer: d) Artificial satellites do not have any influence on the natural formation or arrangement of constellations in the sky.

5. Sarah noticed a bright object with a glowing tail streaking across the night sky. What is this phenomenon commonly known as?

a) Meteor
b) Comet
c) Asteroid
d) Satellite

Answer: b) Comets are celestial objects composed of rocky particles coated with frozen ice, which vapourise as they approach the Sun, creating a glowing tail.


1. What causes the different phases of the Moon?

The Moon's phases are brought about by variations in the amount of sunlight that reaches its surface throughout its orbit around the Earth.

2. How long does it take for the Moon to complete one cycle of phases

A lunar month is the length of time it takes the Moon to complete one full cycle of phases or around 29.5 days.

3. How many constellations are there in the night sky?

There are 88 constellations in the night sky that are properly recognised, and each one has its stars and stories.

4. Do constellations change their positions in the sky over time?

The rotation of the Earth gives the appearance that constellations are moving across the sky, although over a longer period, their relative locations stay mostly unchanged.

5. Can you see the same constellations from different parts of the world?

Yes, a lot of constellations can be seen from all around the world, but things like light pollution and the observer's latitude might make them less visible.

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