Worksheet on Spelling Words for Class 4

Questions on Spelling Words and Its Formation - Class 4

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

1. The circus provided a lot of _________ for children with its colourful performances and funny clowns.

Spellings - Clown

a) entertainment
b) antertainment
c) enttertanment
d) anterttainment

Answer: a)

2. Choose the correct spelling for the given image:

Spellings - Maracas

a) marracas
b) maracas
c) marckas
d) maracuss

Answer: b)

3. Choose the correct spelling for the given image:

Spellings - Binoculars

a) binocullars
b) binnoculars
c) binoculars
d) benoculars

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

4. The magician's tricks filled the audience with _________ as they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

a) amazement
b) amaizement
c) ammazement
d) amasement

Answer: a)

Identify the misspelt words from the following given sentences:

5. Some of the students got upset due to the caincellation of the competitive examination.

a) students
b) competitive
c) caincellation
d) examination

Answer: c)

6. The childrens slept in the dormitary, which was a large room with bunk beds and desks for studying.

a) childrens
b) dormitary
c) bunk
d) both a and b

Answer: d)

7. The factory workers helped manufaceture new cars by assembling different parts together on the production line.

a) manufaceture
b) assembling
c) different
d) production

Answer: a)

8. Identify the misspelt word from the given options:

a) confirmation
b) confirmetion
c) kinfirmation
d) canformation

Answer: a)

9. Identify the misspelt word from the given options:

a) embroidary
b) embroidery
c) embrodery
d) ambrodery

Answer: b)

Fill in the following blanks with the correct option:

10. Every winter, some birds embark on a long _______ , flying to warmer places to find food and escape the cold weather.

a) migration
b) megration
c) maigration
d) migretion

Answer: a)

11. Shelly was __________ about finishing her homework before playing outside with her friends.

a) ademant
b) adamant
c) adamante
d) ademante

Answer: b)

12. Alice’s inquisitive nature led her to ask lots of questions about fossils.

a) incusitive
b) encuisitive
c) enquisitive
d) inquisitive

Answer: d)

13. A ________ is a type of growth that can sometimes form inside the body.

a) tewmor
b) tumour
c) tewmour
d) tumor

Answer: b)

14. After spinning around on the merry-go-round for too long, Jack felt queasy and had to sit down.

a) easy
b) queasy
c) kewsy
d) quecy

Answer: b)

15. When you read a story, you can use your imagination to interpret what the characters are feeling and thinking.

a) intarprit
b) inturprit
c) enterprit
d) interpret

Answer: d)

Identify the misspelt words from the following given sentences:

16. The nurse used a siringe to give the medicine to the patient.

a) nurse
b) siringe
c) medicine
d) patient

Answer: b)

17. On their school trip, students imbarkd on a thrilling voyaag to explore the wonders of the ocean.

a) imbarkd, voyaag
b) imbarkd, thrilling
c) thrilling, voyaag
d) voyaag, explore

Answer: a)

18. The skalen triangle has three sides of different lenths.

a) skalen, triangle
b) three, sides
c) different, lenths
d) lenths, skalen

Answer: d)

19. Identify the misspelt word from the given options:

a) league
b) leege
c) ligue
d) leugue

Answer: a)

20. Identify the misspelt word from the given options:

a) estethoscop
b) oestethoscope
c) stethoscope
d) ostetoscope

Answer: c)

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