Worksheet on Tense for Class 4

Questions on Tense and Its Types - Class 4

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the tense:

1. The boys __________ cricket in the playground.

Tenses - Boys playing cricket

a) will played
b) was playing
c) are playing
d) is played

Answer: c)

2. Felix _________ from chicken pox.

a) is suffering
b) has suffer
c) were suffering
d) will suffers

Answer: a)

3. Mariam ________ the late-night party because she has not got the permission from her parents.

a) had attended
b) did attend
c) will not attend
d) cannot attends

Answer: c)

4. Rebecca _____ to try her hand at pottery.

Tenses - Girl doing pottery

a) will wanted
b) wants
c) want
d) is want

Answer: b)

5. Brunei’s King ______ our country next month.

a) will visit
b) has visits
c) are visiting
d) were visited

Answer: a)

6. Jonathan _______ to book the tickets for us, wasn’t he?

a) were supposed
b) is supposing
c) was supposed
d) had supposed

Answer: c)

7. The friendly barber skillfully _______ my hair.

a) trims
b) was trimmed
c) were trimming
d) trimmed

Answer: d)

8. The prisoner _________ day after tomorrow.

a) was released
b) releases
c) will be released
d) has released

Answer: c)

9. Kyle _____ soccer practice with other guys other than his class.

Tenses - Boy playing soccer with friends

a) has been doing
b) were doing
c) was did
d) will doing

Answer: a)

10. Are you even ______ to me?

a) listen
b) listens
c) listened
d) listening

Answer: d)

11. Fill in the blank with the correct present perfect tense:

I ________ (cry) in the theatre while watching the movie. (CREST 2021-22)

a) have cried 
b) has cried
c) was cried 
d) were cried

Answer: a)

12. The children ________ eagerly in line to get their ice cream cones from the new shop that _________ in the neighbourhood.

a) stands, opens
b) stood, opened
c) standing, opening
d) will stand, will open

Answer: b) 

13. Next summer, our family ________ a trip to the Grand Canyon, which we ____________ for years.

a) takes, planned
b) took, planning
c) taking, will plan
d) will take, have been planning

Answer: d) 

14. Zayn ________ to the music on his headphones while jogging through the park every morning.

a) listens
b) listened
c) listening
d) listen

Answer: a) 

15. Right now, the team ________ hard to prepare for the game and ________ to bring home the trophy.

a) works, hoped
b) worked, hoping
c) working, hope
d) works, hopes

Answer: d) 

16. Fill in the blank with the most suitable form of tense:

 I don't know who ________ this wall. (CREST 2022-23)

a) does paints 
b) painted 
c) painting 
d) paint 

Answer: b)

17. Shelly _________ her birthday party for next Saturday, but she _________ the invitations yet.

a) plans, hasn't sent
b) planning, didn't send
c) planned, isn't sending
d) plan, won't send

Answer: a)

18. By the time the Sun _________, the hikers _________ the top of the mountain.

a) set, reach
b) sets, will reach
c) setting, reaching
d) sets, will have reached

Answer: d) 

19. The famous author _________ a book signing event tomorrow, and many fans _________ to meet her.

a) will attend, hoping
b) attending, hopes
c) attends, hoped
d) will attend, hope

Answer: d) 

20. Identify the tense form for the given sentence:

The farmer is ploughing the field using oxen. (CREST 2023-24)

a) present continuous tense
b) simple past tense
c) present perfect tense
d) past perfect tense

Answer: a)

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