Worksheet on Time

Practice Questions on Time

Solved Questions on Time

1. At 4:45 AM, Adam begins his walk in the morning. He finishes his walk in 175 minutes. What is the time at which he completed his walk?


a) 7:40 AM
b) 7:45 AM
c) 8:40 AM
d) 8:45 AM

Answer: a)7:40 AM

Explanation: Time at which Adam begins his walk = At 4:45 AM

Time at which Adam completed his walk = 4:45 AM + 175 minutes
= 4:45 AM + 2 hours + 55 minutes 
= 6:45 AM + 55 minutes
= 7:40 AM

2. Cena's first day of school is scheduled to take place 24 days after March 5th. If March 5th falls on a Friday, when will Cena begin his first day of school?

a) Monday
b) Tuesday
c) Wednesday 
d) Thursday

Answer: a) Monday

Explanation: March 5th falls on a Friday,
Time Schedule of 24 days after March 5th
= March 5th + 24 days 
= March 5th + 3 weeks + 3 days 
= (March 26th) + 3 days [5th and 26th March are the same day.]
= (Friday) + Saturday + Sunday + Monday

Cena's first day of school is scheduled to take place 24 days after March 5th is Monday.

3. How many milliseconds are present in 3 hours 32 minutes?

a) 127200 milliseconds
b) 1272000 milliseconds
c) 12720000 milliseconds
d) 127200000 milliseconds

Answer: c)12720000 milliseconds

Explanation: Milliseconds present in 3 hours 32 minutes = 3 hours + 32 minutes 
= (3 × 60) minutes + 32 minutes 
= 212 minutes 
= (212 × 60) seconds
= 12720 seconds 
= (12720 × 1000) milliseconds 
= 12720000 milliseconds

4. How long does it take to fill the water tank if the water tank starts filling at quarter to 7 PM and stops filling 10 minutes after Half past 9 PM?

a) 2 hours 35 minutes
b) 2 hours 45 minutes
c) 2 hours 55 minutes
d) 3 hours

Answer: c)2 hours 55 minutes

Explanation: Water tank starts filling at quarter to 7 PM = 6:45 PM

Water tank stops filling 10 minutes after Half past 9 PM = 9:30 PM + 10 minutes
                                                                                 = 9:40 PM

The total time taken to fill the tank = 9:40 PM − 6:45 PM
                                                    = 3 hours − 5 minutes
                                                     = 2 hours 55 minutes

5. Bista was born on 23rd May 2022. What is his age on 23rd October 2023?

a) 1 year 2 months
b) 1 year 3 months
c) 1 year 4 months
d) 1 year 5 months

Answer: d)1 year 5 months

Explanation: Bista was born on 23rd May 2022. 

His age on 23rd October 2023 

= (23rd May 2022 to 23rd May 2023) + (23rd May 2023 to 23rd October 2023)
= 1 year + 5 months
= 1 year 5 months 

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