Worksheet on Verbs for Class 4

Questions on Verbs and Its Types - Class 4

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

1. Twinkle __________ great satisfaction by helping the poor orphaned boy.

Verbs - Girl helping a poor

a) achieved
b) provided
c) nurtured
d) thrived

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

2. Miranda _____________ the school in the morning.

Verbs - Girl going to school

a) will board
b) was board
c) can boarding
d) had board

Answer: a)

Which word cannot fit in the blank:

3. Rex ________ a beautiful sand castle with Nerissa on the beachside.

Verbs - exploding sandcastle

a) constructed
b) built
c) made
d) explode

Answer: d)

4. Aristotle ______ an Ancient Greek philosopher who ______ on many topics like philosophy and economics.

a) were, written
b) was, wrote
c) is, writes
d) was, was writing

Answer: b)

5. Zack _________ a joke but nobody laughed at it.

a) broke
b) cracked
c) lamented
d) spoke

Answer: b)

6. Dr Duncan __________ this coming Thursday.

a) will not be available
b) was available
c) were available
d) can been available

Answer: a)

7. Fiona _____ the news in a really dramatic manner.

a) breaks
b) brokes
c) broken
d) broke

Answer: d)

8. The old grandmother could not see me but she ________ me by my voice.

Verbs Boy with his grandmother

a) organised
b) recognised
c) delved
d) forgot

Answer: b)

9. Victor secretly _______ his watch during the long meeting.

a) seen
b) saw
c) glanced
d) sight

Answer: c)

10. Nancy smiled at me when she _________ my eye.

a) caught
b) catch
c) catched
d) will catch

Answer: a)

11. Fill in the blank using the most suitable verb form:

She's been ________ to music all day. It was disturbing me a lot, so I couldn't study well. (CREST 2021-22)

a) listening 
b) listen
c) listened 
d) listens

Answer: a) 

12. Shelly _________ her keys in the car this morning.

Verbs - Keys left in the car

a) leave
b) left
c) leaves
d) leaving

Answer: b) 

13. During our science experiment, the vinegar _________ with the baking soda.

a) react
b) reacts
c) reacted
d) reacting

Answer: c) 

14. The old tree _________ down in the storm last night.

Verbs - Old tree fallen down

a) falls
b) fall
c) fell
d) falling

Answer: c) 

15. By the time we arrived, the concert _________ already.

Verbs - Concert

a) start
b) starts
c) started
d) had started

Answer: d) 

16. Fill in the blank using the most suitable form of the verb:

Do you still ___ tennis on Sundays with her? (CREST 2022-23)

a) plays
b) Play
c) playing
d) Played

Answer: b)

17. Before the guests arrived, Alice _________ the house thoroughly.

a) clean
b) cleans
c) cleaned
d) cleaning

Answer: c) 

18. The teacher _________ the students to be quiet during the test.

a) remind
b) reminds
c) reminding
d) reminded

Answer: b) 

19. Every night, the family _________ together for dinner.

Verbs - Family having dinner together

a) gather
b) gathers
c) gathering
d) gathered

Answer: b)

20. After the rain stopped, we _________ a rainbow in the sky.

Verbs - Rainbow

a) see
b) sees
c) saw
d) seeing

Answer: c)

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