Worksheet on Articles for Class 5

Questions on Articles and Its Types - Class 5

Fill in the blank with the correct articles:

1. ______ Quokka is one of ______ smallest wallabies.

a) The, the
b) A, the
c) An, no article
d) no article, no article

Answer: a)

2. Rattlesnakes are _______ largest venomous snakes in the United States.

a) an, a
b) the, a
c) the, the
d) a, a

Answer: c)

3. Giraffes are ____ common sight in grasslands and open woodlands in _____ East Africa.

a) a, a
b) a, no article
c) no article, no article
d) the, the

Answer: b)

4. Are you prepared for ____ math test today?

a) the
b) a
c) an
d) no article

Answer: a)

5. Della took _____ wrong decision in ____ state of frenzy.

a) an, an
b) the, a
c) a, the
d) a, a

Answer: d)

6. Is it ____ imported Swiss smartwatch that you are wearing?

a) a
b) the
c) an
d) no article

Answer: c)

7. Can you please come up with ____ workable solution to this problem?

a) the
b) a
c) an
d) no article

Answer: b)

8. The unicorn is _____ mythical creature popularised in European folklore.

a) a
b) the
c) an
d) no article

Answer: a)

9. As ____ keen observer, Emily noticed ____ subtle changes in _____ environment and could easily identify ____ birds by their distinct calls.

a) a, the, the, the
b) a, a, an, an
c) an, an, a, a
d) no article, a, no article, the, no article

Answer: a)

10. John presented ____ valid argument supported by well-researched facts.

a) an
b) the
c) a
d) no article

Answer: c)

11. For the given sentence, choose the correct article/s to complete the sentence:

I just had ____ salad and ____ burger for lunch, so my stomach is full. I told my mom not to make lunch for me. (CREST 2021-22)

a) an, a 
b) the, no article required
c) the, the
d) no article required, a

Answer: d)

12. During their trip to the mountains, they saw ____ beautiful waterfall and decided to have ____ picnic nearby to enjoy ____ view and ____ sound of rushing water.

a) a, a, the, the
b) an, the, a, a
c) the, the, a, an
d) no article, an, the, a

Answer: a)

13. ____ quick brown fox jumped over ____ lazy dog, surprising ____ animals that were watching from ____ distance.

a) A, a, the, a
b) An, an, a, the
c) The, the, no article, the
d) No article, a, the, a

Answer: c)

14. Shelly picked up ____ book from the shelf, noticing that it was ____ old edition with ____ worn-out cover and ____ pages yellowed by time.

a) the, a, an, the
b) a, an, the, a
c) a, an, a, the
d) an, the, an, no article

Answer: c) 

15. After ____ long day at work, Mr. Smith enjoyed sitting in ____ garden, sipping ____ cup of tea, and watching ____ sunset.

a) a, a, the, the
b) a, the, a, the
c) the, an, the, a
d) an, the, a, a

Answer: b)

16. Choose the correct article to fill in the blank:

 ________ European tourist asked me about the local culture and popular destinations. (CREST 2022-23)

a) The 
b) A 
c) An 
d) No article required

Answer: b)

17. The scientist conducted ____ experiment in ____ laboratory to test ____ new hypothesis and record ____ results accurately.

a) a, a, the, the
b) the, an, a, a
c) an, the, a, the
d) no article, the, the, no article

Answer: c)

18. Mary adopted ____ kitten from ____ animal shelter and named it Snow, which soon became ____ favorite pet in ____ family.

a) the, the, the, the
b) a, an, the, the
c) an, the, a, a
d) no article, an, no article, a

Answer: b)

19. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank:

I am upset because I had ____ bad experience at work today. (CREST 2023-24)

a) a
b) the
c) both a and b
d) no article is required

Answer: a) 

20. In ____ middle of ____ night, they heard ____ strange noise coming from ____ attic.

a) the, the, a, the
b) a, the, the, an
c) an, a, a, no article
d) no article, an, the, no article

Answer: a)

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