Worksheet on Capacity

Practice Questions on Capacity

Solved Questions on Capacity

1. This tank contains 7.8 hectolitres and 270 litres of water. Water consumption is 574 litres and 375 decilitres. What volume of water is left in the tank?


a) 418 litres 5 decilitres
b) 418 litres 25 decilitres
c) 438 litres 5 decilitres
d) 438 litres 25 decilitres

Answer: c) 438 litres 5 decilitres

Explanation: Volume/Capacity of the tank = 7.8 hectolitres 270 litres
                                                                = 7.8 hectolitres + 270 litres
                                                                 = 7.8 × 100 litres + 270 litres
                                                                  = 780 litres + 270 litres
                                                                   = 1050 litres
                                                                    = 1050 × 10 decilitres
                                                                     = 10500 decilitres

Volume of water consumption = 574 litres 375 decilitres
                                             = 574 litres  + 375 decilitres
                                              = 574 × 10 decilitres + 375 decilitres
                                               = 5740 decilitres + 375 decilitres
                                                = 6115 decilitres

Volume of water left in the tank = (10500 − 6115) decilitres
                                               = 4385 decilitres
                                                = 4380 decilitres + 5 decilitres
                                                 = (4380/10) litres + 5 decilitres
                                                  = 438 litres + 5 decilitres
                                                   = 438 litres 5 decilitres

2. What is the total capacity of the given bottles in centilitres?


a) 15375 centilitres 
b) 1537.5 centilitres 
c) 153.75 centilitres 
d) 15.375 centilitres

Answer: b) 1537.5 centilitres 

Explanation: Total capacity of the given bottles in millilitres
= 7000 + 5000 + 1500 + 1000 + 500 + 375
= 15375 mL

Total capacity of the given bottles in centilitres = 15375 mL ÷ 10
                                                                     = 1537.5 centilitres

3. The capacity of Tank B is 13.5 gallons less than the capacity of Tank A. The capacity of Tank C is 23 gallons more than the capacity of Tank A. What is the capacity of Tank B in pints if the capacity of Tank C is 47 gallons?


a) 5 pints 
b) 21 pints
c) 42 pints 
d) 84 pints 

Answer: d) 84 pints 

Explanation: Capacity of tank C = 47 gallons

The Capacity of Tank C is 23 gallons more than the capacity of Tank A. Thus, the capacity of tank A is 23 gallons less than the capacity of tank C.

Capacity of tank A = (Capacity of tank C − 23) gallons
                            = (47 − 23) gallons
                             = 24 gallons

The capacity of Tank B is 13.5 gallons less than the capacity of Tank A.

Capacity of tank B = (Capacity of tank A − 13.5) gallons
                            = (24 − 13.5) gallons
                             = 10.5 gallons

Capacity of tank B in pints = 10.5 gallons × 8
                                        = 84 pints

4. The amount of water in the small bucket is two-fifths times the capacity of the large bucket. What is the amount of water that can hold the three small buckets in quarts if the water in the large bucket is 2865 pints?


a) 573 quarts
b) 859.5 quarts
c) 1146 quarts
d) 1432.5 quarts

Answer: a) 573 quarts

Explanation: Amount of water bucket in the large bucket = capacity of the large bucket
                                                                                     = 2865 pints

Amount of water in the small bucket is two-fifths times the capacity of the large bucket.

Amount of water in the small bucket = 2/5 × Capacity of the large bucket
                                                      = 2/5 × 2865 pints
                                                       = 1146 pints

Amount of water in the large bucket in quarts  = 1146 pints ÷ 2
                                                                     = 573 quarts

5. The water tank is empty initially. The water tank is filled with a tap from above while another tap is emptying it at the bottom. If the above tap is filled with 37 litres per hour and the bottom tap is drained with 15 litres per hour, what is the level of water left in the tank after 7 hours?


a) 77 litres
b) 115.5 litres
c) 154 litres
d) 192.5 litres

Answer: c) 154 litres

Explanation: Water filled in a tank in one hour = 37 L
Water drained from a tank in one hour = 15 L
Water would be filled within 1 hour in a tank = 37 − 15 = 22 L

Similarly, water in the tank continues for a period of four hours = 22 × 7
                                                                                             = 154 L

The level of water left in the tank after 4 hours is 154 litres.

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