Worksheet on Classification of Various Animals - Class 5 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 5 on Classification of Various Animals

Solved Questions on Classification of Various Animals

1 . Consider the two statements given below and choose the correct option:

Statement 1: Bats are the only mammals capable of flight.
Statement 2: Penguins are flightless birds that swim in water.

a) Only statement 1 is correct.
b) Only statement 2 is correct.
c) Both statements are correct.
d) Both statements are incorrect.

Answer: c) Bats are indeed the only mammals capable of flight. They have adapted wings that allow them to fly and navigate through the air.
Penguins are flightless birds that primarily swim in water. They have adapted flippers instead of wings, which enable them to swim efficiently.

2. Which of the following statements is not true about the animal shown in the picture?


a) Spiders have eight legs.
b) Spiders are insects.
c) Spiders produce silk to build webs.
d) Spiders have an exoskeleton and no internal skeleton.

Answer: b) Spiders are not insects. They belong to a different group. While insects have six legs, spiders have eight legs.

3. Select the pair of animals that have the same feeding mechanism.

a) Mosquitoes and Leeches
b) Rats and Vultures
c) Foxes and Deers
d) Elephants and Bears

Answer: a) Both mosquitoes and leeches are parasites that attach themselves to the body of a host and feed on the host's blood.

4. Animal X is an omnivore. It has tiny openings called spiracles on its body that it used to breathe. Identify animal X.

a) Frog
b) Crows
c) Snake
d) Cockroach

Answer: d) Cockroaches are omnivores, consuming both plant material and other organic matter. They have tiny openings on their body called spiracles, which they use for respiration.

5. Match the following types of animal movements with their descriptions.

Column I Column II
1. Flying A) Crawling or moving smoothly on the ground without limbs.
2. Hopping B) Movement using wings or the ability to glide through the air.
3. Swimming C) Propelling through water using various body parts or fins.
4. Slithering D) Jumping or leaping movement using hind limbs.

a) 1:A, 2:C, 3:D, 4:B
b) 1:D, 2:B, 3:C, 4:A
c) 1:B, 2:D, 3:C, 4:A
d) 1:B, 2:D, 3:A, 4:C

Answer: c) Flying: Movement using wings or the ability to glide through the air.
Hopping: Jumping or leaping movement using hind limbs.
Swimming: Propelling through water using various body parts or fins.
Slithering: Crawling or moving smoothly on the ground without limbs.


1. What does the classification of animals mean?

The scientific grouping of various species according to similar characteristics is known as animal classification, and it helps scientists understand and investigate the variety of the animal kingdom.

2. What are the main animal groups?

Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish are the major animal groups, or categories.

3. How do fish breathe underwater?

The gills and other adaptations allow fishes to extract oxygen from water which helps them in breathing.

4. What are invertebrates?

Animals without a vertebral column or backbone are called invertebrates. This varied category, which consists of molluscs, insects, spiders, and other creatures, illustrates the great diversity of living forms found in the animal kingdom that do not have skeletons.

5. What is the difference between warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals?

Mammals and birds, which have warm blood, are able to control their body temperature internally such that it remains mostly constant in any given environment. Cold-blooded creatures, on the other hand, like amphibians and reptiles, rely on outside elements like the sun to regulate their body temperature, which varies according to their environment.

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