Worksheet on Collocation for Class 5

Questions on Collocation and Its Types - Class 5

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. Greg sees _________ merit in this proposal.

a) great
b) exceptional
c) considerable
d) all of these

Answer: d)

2. Liam seems to be a ______ child.

a) prodigious
b) promising
c) brilliant
d) all of these

Answer: d)

3. The teacher asked us to underline the ________ mentioned points.

a) above
b) below
c) previously
d) all of these

Answer: d)

4. Sam is indeed a ______ member of the school eco club.

a) prominent
b) servile
c) mundane
d) fervent

Answer: a)

5. The last year earthquake _______ damaged the college building.

a) heavily
b) truly
c) exotically
d) desperately

Answer: a)

6. I don’t think James is ________ aware of the risks involved in this risky task.

a) fully
b) beautifully
c) evenly
d) smoothly

Answer: a)

7. The teacher scolded Ronny for giving a ______ excuse.

a) tame
b) lame
c) blame
d) claim

Answer: b)

8. Greg ______ softly in my ears his plan to get out of the class while Ms Polly was teaching us geography.

a) whispered
b) rumoured
c) shuttered
d) cluttered

Answer: a)

9. The child waved _______ at me while leaving.

a) frequently
b) rarely
c) frantically
d) completely

Answer: c)

10. I think Rex has ______ a cold which is why he is sneezing so much.

a) caught
b) brought
c) bought
d) sought

Answer: a)

11. Which word does NOT collocate well with "play"? 

a) music
b) games 
c) instruments 
d) sleep

Answer: b)

12. Which word does NOT collocate well with "hear"? 

a) news
b) music 
c) story 
d) see

Answer: d)

13. Which word does NOT collocate well with "pay"? 

a) attention 
b) money 
c) work
d) a visit

Answer: c)

14. Which word does NOT collocate well with "cry"? 

a) tears 
b) loudly 
c) for help 
d) happily

Answer: a)

15. Which word does NOT collocate well with "smell"? 

a) good 
b) bad 
c) delicious 
d) see

Answer: d)

16. Which word does NOT collocate well with "taste"? 

a) sweet
b) salty
c) assume
d) delicious

Answer: c)

17. Which word does NOT collocate well with "heavy"? 

a) rain
b) air
c) object
d) heart 

Answer: b)

18. Which word does NOT collocate well with "walk"? 

a) slowly
b) quickly
c) loudly
d) together 

Answer: c)

19. Which word does NOT collocate well with "warm"? 

a) weather
b) clothes
c) transportation
d) feeling 

Answer: c)

20. Which word does NOT collocate well with "light"? 

a) bright
b) sensitive
c) dark
d) dim

Answer: b)

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