Worksheet on Conjunction for Class 5

Questions on Conjunction and Its Types - Class 5

Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions:

1. The task was not only challenging _______ very risky.

a) when
b) than
c) but also
d) although

Answer: c)

2. Hardly had I finished writing ______ the bell rang.

a) then
b) than
c) despite
d) when

Answer: d)

3. I could not resist _____ ask the question.

a) and
b) but
c) since
d) because

Answer: b)

4. The patient regained consciousness ______ asked for a glass of water.

a) and
b) but
c) while
d) because

Answer: b)

5. _______ being guilty, he pretended to be innocent.

a) Despite
b) Although
c) Hardly
d) Since

Answer: a)

6. The soldier will die defending the country _____ not surrender before the enemies.

a) and
b) since
c) while
d) but

Answer: d)

7. She fell _______ hurt her leg rather badly.

a) and
b) since
c) but
d) while

Answer: a)

8. Has he come to terms with the circumstances, _____ is he still struggling against them?

a) but
b) or
c) since
d) yet

Answer: b)

9. My dog Sniffer is silly _____ adorable.

a) and
b) yet
c) since
d) because

Answer: b)

10. Hardly did the rehearsal begin _____ the power outage occurred.

a) when
b) then
c) than
d) yet

Answer: a)

11. Fill in the blank using a suitable conjunction:

Carlos can go camping this year, _____ he doesn't want to. (CREST 2021-22)

a) and 
b) or
c) so 
d) but

Answer: d)

12. The kids were excited ___ the trip was cancelled at the last moment.

a) although
b) because
c) but
d) or

Answer: a) 

13. Jack must apologise ___ he wants to be forgiven.

a) or
b) if
c) so
d) but

Answer: b)

14. Neither Zayn ___ Emma could solve the maths question.

a) nor
b) and
c) but
d) or

Answer: a)

15. I enjoy reading books, _____ my brother prefers playing video games.

a) so
b) because
c) but
d) and

Answer: c)

16. Choose the correct conjunction to fill in the blank: 

I messaged you ________ I arrived in San Francisco. (CREST 2022-23)

a) after 
b) or
c) so 
d) then

Answer: a)

17. We can't leave for the event ______ everyone is ready.

a) till
b) since
c) for
d) until

Answer: d)

18. We will play outside __________ it rains.

a) until
b) unless
c) because
d) since

Answer: b)

19. They studied hard ______ they could pass the exam.

a) hard
b) so
c) could
d) they

Answer: b)

20. Read the following sentence and choose the correct conjunction:

Wait here ____ I get back. (CREST 2023-24)

a) as soon as 
b) until
c) so 
d) but

Answer: b)

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