Worksheet on Habitat and Adaptations - Class 5 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 5 on Habitat and Adaptations

Solved Questions on Habitat and Adaptations

1. Which of the following option explains the purpose of hibernation for animals?

a) Animals hibernate to protect themselves from predators.
b) Animals hibernate to save food and water.
c) Animals hibernate to sleep for a long time during winter.
d) Animals hibernate to conserve energy and survive the cold winter months.

Answer: d) During hibernation, animals can save their energy and withstand the lack of food and challenging winter conditions by going into a deep sleep. This allows them to make the most of their limited energy stores and survive through the tough times when there isn't much to eat or when the environment is harsh.

2. Match the following.

Column I Column II
1. Camouflage A) Physical barrier against predators.
2. Thick fur B) Structures for protection against predators.
3. Spines or quills C) Hard coverings to shield against predators.
4. Armour D) Blending with the surroundings.

a) 1:D, 2:A, 3:B, 4:C
b) 1:A, 2:D, 3:C, 4:B
c) 1:A, 2:D, 3:B, 4:C
d) 1:D, 2:A, 3:C, 4:B

Answer: a) Camouflage: Blending with the surroundings
Thick fur: Physical barrier against predators
Spines or quills: Structures for protection against predators
Armour: Hard coverings to shield against predators

3. In which environment would white-coloured fur be most advantageous for an animal's protection?

a) Desert
b) Rainforest
c) Polar region
d) Grassland

Answer: c) The polar region is a place with lots of snow and ice. The white fur helps animals blend in with the snow, providing them with effective camouflage against predators and allowing them to sneak up on their prey unnoticed.

4. Which animal has the following adaptations to survive in their habitat?

i) Long eyelashes and thick eyebrows.
ii) Big, wide feet and fat stored in their hump.
iii) Closed nostrils and covered ears.

a) Kangaroo
b) Camel
c) Fennec Fox
d) Musk Oxen

Answer: b) The animal with the described adaptations is the camel.
i) Long eyelashes and thick eyebrows help protect their eyes from sand and the hot sun.
ii) Big, wide feet and fat stored in their hump aid in walking on sand and provide energy during food and water scarcity.
iii) Closed nostrils and covered ears prevent sand from entering their respiratory system.

5. What is the point of similarity between the animals shown in the picture?


a) Both of them have claws and tails that can grip branches.
b) They both live in the desert.
c) They are both arboreal animals.
d) Both of them can camouflage.

Answer: c) Both monkeys and flying squirrels are examples of arboreal animals, meaning they live and move in trees.


1. What is a habitat?

A habitat is the natural environment where an organism lives, grows, and finds everything it needs to survive, including food, water, and shelter.

2. What are some examples of animal adaptations?

Animal adaptations can take many different forms, such as migration, hibernation, and the development of specific body parts like hair, claws, or beaks.

3. How do animals adapt to their habitats?

Animals alter their appearance and behaviours in response to their surroundings. These adaptations enable them to survive and thrive in their particular habitat.

4. Can animals adapt to a new habitat?

Evolution is the process by which certain species, over time, may adjust to new environments. It can take several generations for this adaption to occur.

5. How does human activity impact animal habitats?

Human activities like urbanisation, pollution, and deforestation may disturb and destroy natural habitats, which threatens the existence of many species and reduces biodiversity.

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