Worksheet on Homophones for Class 5

Questions on Homophones - Class 5

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

I. Everyone was amazed at the _____ performed by the acrobat.
II. The snake was five-_____ long and too scary to look at.

a) feat, feet
b) feet, feet
c) feat, feat
d) feet, feat

Answer: a)

2. Identify the sentences with the correct usage of the words:

I. The children had smeared their faces with colours.
II. The pullover had a smear of oil over it.

a) only I
b) only II
c) both I and II
d) neither I nor II

Answer: c)

3. Identify the sentences with the correct usage of the words:

I. He fell prey to a defamation campaign initiated by his political rivals.
II. He habitually prays to the Lord for peace and strength as a daily ritual.

a) only I
b) only II
c) both I and II
d) neither I nor II

Answer: c)

4. Identify the sentences with the correct usage of the words:

I. Nancy wants to break all ties with Harold.
II. David applied sudden brakes to save the kitten sitting in the middle of the road.

a) only II
b) only I
c) both I and II
d) neither I nor II

Answer: a)

5. Identify the sentences with the correct usage of the words:

I. Sally is waiting for the next big flash sail on the app to buy household supplies.
II. Polly sailed smoothly through her exams.

a) only I
b) only II
c) both I and II
d) neither I nor II

Answer: b)

6. Identify the sentences with the correct usage of the words:

I. He felt like a laughing stock after he did his gags wrong at the stand-up comedy.
II. We have realised that She has been stalked for the last two months.

a) only I
b) only II
c) both I and II
d) neither I nor II

Answer: c)

7. Identify the sentences with the correct usage of the words:

I. Unfortunately, he sold all the stocks he had in that panic.
II. He also sold the business lock, stock and barrel.

a) only I
b) only II
c) both I and II
d) neither I nor II

Answer: c)

8. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

I. The ________ to success for him was a roller-coaster ride.
II. Mini _____ the horseback with extra caution so as to not fall down in the valley.

a) road, road
b) road, rode
c) rode, rode
d) rode, road

Answer: d)

9. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

I. The international summit was held lately to discuss the issue of world ____ and harmony.
II. Garry wants another _____ of the blueberry cake.

a) piece, piece
b) peace, peace
c) peace, piece
d) piece, peace

Answer: c)

10. Identify the sentences with the correct usage of the words:

I. Henry was accused of tanking the match.
II. The company’s shares are constantly tanking on Wall Street.

a) only I
b) only II
c) both I and II
d) neither I nor II

Answer: c)

11. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

I. The lost puppy followed its _____ all the way home. 
II. Jack found a shiny penny on the sidewalk, worth only one ______, but it made my day.

a) scent, cent
b) cent, cent 
c) sent, scent
d) scent, sent

Answer: a)

12. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

I. We need a new _____ for my worn-out shoes. 
II. The melody of the piano touched the depths of her ______.

a) sole, sole 
b) soul, soul 
c) sole, soul
d) soul, sole

Answer: c)

13. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

I. The artist captured the _____ of the Sunset perfectly. 
II. I have never _________ such a beautiful Sunset before.

a) scene, scene
b) seen, scene
c) seen, seen
d) scene, seen

Answer: d) 

14. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

I. The loud _____ of thunder startled everyone. 
II. The hiker slipped and fell into a deep_____ in the rock.

a) crack, crack
b) crack, snack
c) crack cake
d) cake, snack

Answer: a) 

15. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

I. Daniel packed a light _____ for the weekend trip. 
II. The businessman booked a luxurious ________ for his week-long conference.

a) suit, suit
b) suit, suite 
c) suite, suit
d) suite, suite

Answer: b)

16. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

I. Titan learned to ride his bike on the _____.
II. After fixing his bicycle, Tom ________ to school with his friends.

a) rode, road
b) road, road
c) road, rode
d) rode, rode

Answer: c) 

17. After the conflict ended, the two nations finally found ________, each embracing their _______ of the agreement.

a) peace, piece
b) piece, peace
c) peace, peace
d) piece, piece

Answer: a)

18. The sky turned a brilliant shade of ______ as the wind _______ through the trees.

a) blew, blue
b) blue, blue
c) blew, blew
d) blue, blew

Answer: d)

19. I need to decide ______ to ________ my new dress for the party.

a) where, wear
b) wear, where
c) where, where
d) wear, wear

Answer: a)

20. Mary didn't want to ______ her ________ change, so she tightened the knot in her purse.

a) loose, lose
b) lose, lose
c) lose, loose
d) loose, loose

Answer: c)

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