Worksheet on Idioms for Class 5

Questions on Idioms and Its Types - Class 5

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

1. You are also new to this place and I am also new to this place. So I guess, we both are __________.

a) in the same boat
b) better late than never
c) hang in there
d) at loggerheads

Answer: a)

2. Under peer pressure to bunk the class, I _______________.

a) bite the bullets
b) stuck to my guns
c) left no stone unturned
d) called it a day

Answer: b)

3. They decided to ________ the corners to save for future.

a) be better late than
b) beat the bush never
c) Steal someone’s thunder
d) cut the corners

Answer: d)

4. Helen took every care to __________ so as to avoid any mistake in her viva.

a) walk on eggshells
b) let time slip
c) make two ends meet
d) snowed under

Answer: a)

5. Erwin says he dislikes travelling. However, I think the _________ for him.

a) grapes are sour
b) bananas are brown
c) apples are rotten
d) guavas are sweet

Answer: a)

6. After spending the Sunday at zoo, Henry and his friends _________.

a) called it a day
b) break someone’s bubble
c) sit on the fence
d) standing ground

Answer: a)

7. For the mother, her child was ___________.

a) smash hit
b) silver screen
c) apple of her eye
d) twinkle of her eye

Answer: c)

8. The new house cost James ______________.

a) an arm and a leg
b) set the record straight
c) penny for his thoughts
d) piece of cake

Answer: a)

9. Ricky could not go to the picnic because he was feeling __________.

a) teacher's pet
b) sweet tooth
c) tickled pink
d) under the weather

Answer: d)

10. Eddie was hurt by the comments of his jealous classmate so his best friend advised him to take it ___________.

a) with a pinch of salt
b) take each day as it comes
c) the moment of truth
d) this day and age

Answer: a)

11. After weeks of preparation, it was finally time for the school play. Shelly was feeling nervous, but her teacher reassured her, saying "Remember, it's just ___________".

a) with a pinch of salt
b) take each day as it comes
c) the moment of truth
d) this day and age

Answer: c) 

12. With so much technology available, children these days are growing up in ___________.

a) with a pinch of salt
b) take each day as it comes
c) the moment of truth
d) this day and age

Answer: d)

13. After failing his first attempt at the driving test, Jonas's father advised him to stay positive and ____________.

a) with a pinch of salt
b) take each day as it comes
c) the moment of truth
d) this day and age

Answer: b) 

14. When Alice received criticism for her painting, her art teacher told her to consider the feedback _____________.

a) with a pinch of salt
b) take each day as it comes
c) the moment of truth
d) this day and age

Answer: a) 

15. After Scarlet's presentation didn't go as planned, her mother comforted her, saying _____________.

a) hit the nail on the head
b) in hot water
c) off the hook
d) every cloud has a silver lining

Answer: d) 

16. When Manuel was late for the meeting, his boss reminded him that _____________.

a) actions speak louder than words
b) don't cry over spilt milk
c) Rome wasn't built in a day
d) the early bird catches the worm

Answer: d) 

17. Despite the heavy rain, the football match continued _____________.

a) under the weather
b) against all odds
c) through thick and thin
d) the calm before the storm

Answer: b)

18. After the long journey, Enna felt _____________ and wanted nothing more than to relax.

a) on cloud nine
b) in a nutshell
c) on pins and needles
d) down in the dumps

Answer: a)

19. When Jimmy asked his father for advice on the problem, he simply replied, _____________.

a) actions speak louder than words
b) all bark and no bite
c) apple of my eye
d) bite the bullet

Answer: a) 

20. Despite facing difficulties, the team decided to _____________ and continue with their project.

a) keep their chin up
b) cry over spilt milk
c) take the bull by the horns
d) sit on the fence

Answer: c) 

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