Worksheet on Information Retrieval for Class 5

Questions on Information Retrieval and Its Method - Class 5

I. Read the given text carefully and answer the questions from 1-5:

Mainly grown in Japan, pineberries (or white strawberries) crossed over to U.S. markets only recently. The fruit is still considered a luxury, with a price tag to prove it. White strawberries are a strawberry variety from Japan. The most popular variety, the jewel strawberry, has been around since 2012. The farmer who developed it spent years cross-breeding many types of strawberries to achieve a sweeter flavour, larger size, softer mouthfeel, and much paler colour than its red relatives. People with strawberry allergies may find that they can eat white strawberries with no problem. Strawberries get their bright red hue from exposure to sunlight. By restricting light exposure during the growing period, pineberries instead become milky white. About 10 percent of the berries turn out entirely white, while the rest have pink or red spots. Pineberries are sweeter than red strawberries, almost candy-like, and taste similar to pineapple.

The difference between these two berries comes down to breeding. Pineberries are a cross between a wild South American strawberry from Chile and the classic North American strawberry. They're smaller than jewel strawberries and bear a closer resemblance to traditional wild strawberries.

Developing this unique variety took time and labour, and the berries require more space to grow than conventional ones. Plus, each crop produces a smaller yield. For these reasons, large, luscious pineberries come with a hefty price tag. One berry can cost around $10, and a box can go for $40. The fruit isn't meant for chopping up into your breakfast cereal but instead savouring like a decadent chocolate truffle.

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1. Which statement is not true?

a) White strawberries are also called pineberries.
b) People with strawberry allergies may find that they can eat white strawberries with no problem. 
c) Pineberries are sweeter than red strawberries. 
d) Development of white strawberries cannot be attributed toa single farmer.

Answer: d)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

2. Strawberries get their bright red hue from exposure to __________. 

a) heat
b) sunlight
c) wind pressure
d) pesticides

Answer: b)

3. What is the antonym of the word ‘conventional’ as used in the passage?

a) traditional
b) extraordinary
c) ordinary
d) prevalent

Answer: b)

4. Which statement is not true as per the passage?

a) White strawberries are considered luxury fruits.
b) White strawberries were produced as a result of cross-breeding between a wild South American strawberry from Chile and the classic North American strawberry.
c) White strawberries are a great option for breakfast cereal because of their sweeter flavour, larger size.
d) White strawberries are also called white ‘jewels’ and are grown in Japan.

Answer: c)

5. What makes white strawberries costly?

a) They require more space to grow.
b) They require took time to grow.
c) They require took labour to grow.
d) All of these

Answer: d)

II. Read the given text carefully and answer the questions from 6-10:

Exploring Hanoi by cyclo is a fun and unique way to experience the city. A cyclo is a three-wheeled bicycle taxi that takes passengers on a leisurely ride through the bustling streets of Hanoi. With a cyclo driver on the back and a passenger seat in the front, you can relax and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the city. It’s a great way to see Hanoi’s landmarks, temples, and street life up close, while also experiencing the local culture and customs.

Cyclos, also known as cycle rickshaws or pedicabs, have been a popular mode of transportation in Hanoi for over a century. They were first introduced to Vietnam during French colonial times in the early 1900s. The cyclo consists of a bicycle with a passenger seat attached to the front, and is powered by a human driver.

While cyclos were once a common sight on Hanoi’s streets, they have become less prevalent in recent years due to concerns about traffic congestion. However, they remain a popular option for tourists who want to experience the city at a leisurely pace and take in the sights and sounds of Hanoi’s vibrant streets.

Cyclo drivers are often knowledgeable about the city’s history and can provide tourists with a unique perspective on the city’s landmarks and attractions. It’s important to negotiate the fare in advance and agree on the route with the driver before setting off.

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6. Cyclos are a common sight in:

a) Tokyo
b) Hanoi
c) Kuala Lampur
d) Kathmandu

 Answer: b)

Fill in the blank:

7. Cyclos werefirst introduced to Vietnam during ________ colonial times in the early ________.

a) Spanish, 1800s
b) French, 1900s
c) Danish, 1700s
d) Portugese, 1600s

Answer: b)

8. Why have cyclos become less prevalent?

a) due to traffic congestion
b) due to vehicular pollution
c) due to their slow pace
d) all of these

Answer: a)

9. The other name for cyclos is:

a) medicabs
b) pedicabs
c) peddlars
d) peddlecabs

Answer: b)

10. Which of these is not true about cyclos?

a) It is a three-wheeled bicycle taxi.
b) It’s most suitable use is for daily commute to office.
c) The passenger seat is in the front.
d) It is a popular mode of transportation in Hanoi for over a century.

Answer: b)

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