Worksheet on Natural Calamities - Class 5 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 5 on Natural Calamities

Solved Questions on Natural Calamities

1. Which of the following is an example of a natural calamity caused by extreme weather conditions?

a) Tsunami
b) Earthquake
c) Drought
d) Volcanic eruption

Answer: c) Drought is a natural calamity caused by extreme weather conditions, specifically long periods of low rainfall and water scarcity.

2. Kevin had originally planned to go to the beach, but he changed his mind after receiving a warning from the news about a possible natural calamity. Which natural calamity could be the reason for Kevin's change of plans?

a) Tsunami
b) Earthquake
c) Volcanic eruption
d) Drought

Answer: a) Kevin changed his plans to go to the beach after receiving a warning from the news about a possible natural calamity. Since tsunamis are known to occur in coastal areas and can be very dangerous, it would be wise for Kevin to avoid going to the beach in such a situation.

3. What is the purpose of the device shown in the picture?


a) Measuring earthquake intensity
b) Determining cyclone speed
c) Monitoring flood levels
d) Measuring temperature fluctuations

Answer: a) The device shown in the picture is a Richter Scale, which is used to measure the intensity or magnitude of an earthquake. It helps scientists and researchers understand the strength and impact of earthquakes.

4. Match the following types of natural calamities with their respective causes.

Column I Column II
1. Floods A) Circulation of powerful winds around low atmospheric pressure?.
2. Cyclones B) Underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.
3. Tsunamis C) Uncontrolled fires in wooded areas
4. Forest Fires D) Heavy rainfall and melting snow.

a) 1:A, 2:D, 3:C, 4:B
b) 1:A, 2:B, 3:D, 4:C
c) 1:B, 2:A, 3:D, 4:C
d) 1:D, 2:A, 3:B, 4:C

Answer: d) Floods: Heavy rainfall and melting snow
Cyclones: Circulation of powerful winds around low atmospheric pressure
Tsunamis: Underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions
Forest Fires: Uncontrolled fires in wooded areas

5. What precautionary measures should one take during an earthquake while inside a building?

a) Run outside in the open
b) Take shelter under heavy furniture or tables
c) Enter another building
d) Stay on the upper floors

Answer: b) During an earthquake while inside a building, it is important to find a safe place away from windows, glass, and heavy objects that could fall. Taking shelter under a sturdy piece of furniture, such as a table, can provide protection from falling debris and help safeguard your head and body from potential injuries.


1. What are some common types of Natural Calamities?

Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, wildfires, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and droughts are examples of common natural disasters.

2. How can we prepare for natural calamities?

Making an emergency pack, coming up with a family communication plan, keeping track of weather alerts, and being familiar with escape routes are all part of preparation.

3. Are there any warning signs before certain natural calamities?

Yes, for some natural calamities, there are warning signs. For example, earthquakes may have foreshocks, and meteorologists can predict hurricanes and tornadoes in advance.

4. Can natural calamities be prevented?

Since natural disasters are products of nature, they cannot be stopped. On the other hand, through systems of early warning, good environmental practices and preparation, we may take action to decrease their impact.

5. How do natural calamities happen?

Natural disasters are caused by several natural processes and factors. For example, hurricanes occur over warm ocean waters, whereas earthquakes are caused by movements in the tectonic plates beneath the surface of the Earth.

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