Worksheet on Natural Resources and Source of Energy - Class 5 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 5 on Natural Resources and Source of Energy

Solved Questions on Natural Resources

1. Which of the following is an example of the conservation of resources in everyday life?

a) Taking shorter showers and fixing leaking faucets
b) Leaving the lights on when leaving a room
c) Buying single-use plastic water bottles
d) Throwing away recyclable paper in the regular trash bin

Answer: a) Taking shorter showers and fixing leaking faucets is an example of conserving resources in everyday life because it reduces water wastage. By being mindful of our water usage and fixing any leaks, we can help conserve water.

2. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource that is essential for agriculture and supports the growth of crops and plants?

a) Wind
b) Minerals
c) Sunlight
d) Minerals

Answer: b) Minerals are non-renewable resources that are essential for agriculture and support the growth of crops and plants.

3. Charlie’s father has a cabin in a faraway location with abundant sunlight. Which renewable energy source would be most suitable for powering it?

a) Hydroelectric energy
b) Geothermal energy
c) Solar energy
d) Biomass energy

Answer: c) Solar energy would be the most suitable renewable energy source for powering Charlie's father's cabin in a faraway location with abundant sunlight. Solar panels can be installed on the cabin's roof to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity.

4. Match the following.

Column I Column II
1. Solar Energy A) Energy obtained from moving air>A) Farmer, Carpenter.
2. Wind Energy B) Energy derived from sunlight.
3. Hydroelectric Energy C) Limited energy sources formed from ancient plants and animals.
4. Fossil Fuel D) Energy from the running water of streams and rivers.

a) 1:A, 2:B, 3:C, 4:D
b) 1:C, 2:B, 3:D, 4:A
c) 1:B, 2:D, 3:A, 4:C
d) 1:B, 2:A, 3:D, 4:C

Answer: d) Solar Energy: Energy derived from sunlight
Wind Energy: Energy obtained from moving air
Hydroelectric Energy: Energy from the running water of streams and rivers
Fossil Fuel: Limited energy sources formed from ancient plants and animals

5. Why is it important to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels?

a) To decrease the air pollution
b) To promote biodiversity conservation
c) To conserve water resources
d) To enhance soil fertility

Answer: a) It is important to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels because burning fossil fuels releases pollutants into the air, leading to air pollution.


1. What are natural resources, and why are they important for us?

Natural resources are elements or materials that are present in the environment and are necessary for all living things, including people, to survive and thrive. They serve our everyday requirements and supply the raw ingredients for a variety of goods.

2. What are the examples of renewable and non-renewable natural resources?

Renewable natural resources may naturally renew themselves, such as wind and sunshine. Fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) are examples of non-renewable resources that have a limited supply and require millions of years to create.

3. As an important natural resource, how can we save water?

Adopting habits such as leak repair, water-efficient appliance use, and minimising needless water waste are all part of conserving water. This guarantees the availability of water supplies for both present and future generations.

4. Why is soil considered a precious natural resource?

Soil is an important natural resource that supports plant growth and sustains agriculture. It provides essential nutrients and serves as a foundation for ecosystems. Soil conservation practices are important to maintain its fertility.

5. What role do minerals play as natural resources?

Minerals are essential to many businesses because they provide manufacturing, electronics, and building materials. Effective management of mineral resources guarantees sustainable development and a reduction in environmental impact.

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