Worksheet on Spoken and Written Expressions for Class 5

Questions on Spoken and Written Expressions - Class 5

I. Read the given dialogue and fill in the blanks from 1-5 to complete the conversation:

Jaico: Ugh, I can't believe I got such a low score on the English test. This is so frustrating!
Zen: Hey, Jaico, it's alright. We all have our___1____. Don't lose heart.
Jaico: But I studied so hard, and I still messed up.
Zen: Sometimes, it happens. Maybe there were specific topics that _____2________. Let me know which ones, and I'll help you understand them better.
Jaico: It's like everything! I just can't get the __3____ grammar.
Zen: No worries, Jaico. I'm ______4_____ grammar. We can go through it together, and I'll make sure you grasp the concepts. You'll do better next time, I promise.
Jaico: Thanks, Zen. I really appreciate your help and encouragement.
Zen: That's_____5________ . We'll tackle this together!

1. What will come in blank 1?

a) off days
b) boring day
c) bad hair day
d) both a and c can come

Answer: d)

2. What will come in blank 2?

a) tripped you up
b) bolt you
c) bolt on
d) fold you up

Answer: a)

3. What will come in blank 3?

a) bang on
b) hang of 
c) taste of
d) width across

Answer: b)

4. What will come in blank 4?

a) pretty good at
b) exotic in
c) good flyer
d) smooth sailor

Answer: a)

5. What will come in blank 5?

a) I exactly mean
b) what friends are for
c) we need to perform
d) we call need of the hour

Answer: b)

II. Read the given dialogue and fill in the blanks from 6-10 to complete the conversation:

Amy: Alright, everyone, let's decide which stall to set up for the school fete to raise ___6_____.
Jake: How about a __7___sale? I make killer cookies, and we can have a variety of treats.
Lily: That sounds sweet!_____8_______. But maybe we could also consider a game stall to make it more interactive?
Sara: Yeah, a ring toss or a mini basketball hoop game could be fun!
Carlos: What about a face-painting booth? It's always popular, and we can charge a _________9_________designs.
Emily: I like the face-painting idea! We could also have a photo booth with props. People love taking pictures.
Ethan: Why not combine both? A face-painting and photo booth stall! Double the fun.
Amy: Great suggestions, everyone! Let's go with the _____10_____idea. We'll offer face-painting and a photo booth. It'll be a hit, and we'll raise a lot of money for charity.
Lily: Agreed! Let's get to work and make it the best stall at the fete!

6. What will come in blank 6?

a) a healthy child
b) a fun-party
c) funds for charity
d) cool stuff

Answer: c)

7. What will come in blank 7?

a) bake
b) shake
c) flake
d) cake

Answer: a)

8. What will come in blank 8?

a) Pun intended
b) No offence please
c) Don’t get me wrong
d) Silly me

Answer: a)

9. What will come in blank 9?

a) little extra for intricate
b) a fortune for small
c) an arm and a leg for silly
d) lowly for cool

Answer: a)

10. What will come in blank 10?

a) stinkiest
b) flimsiest
c) super cool
d) combo stall

Answer: d)

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