Worksheet on Temperature

Practice Questions on Temperature

Solved Questions on Temperature

1. On his birthday, the temperature of Cuba was 31.2°C. The temperature will fall to 12.39°C in a couple of days. What will be the temperature of Cuba now?

a) 8.81°C
b) 18.81°C
c) 18.18°C
d) 81.81°C

Answer:b) 18.81°C

Explanation: Temperature of Cuba = 31.2°C

Temperature falls (decrease) in a couple of days, temperature = 12.39°C 

Now. the temperature of Cuba = (31.2 − 12.39)°C
                                              = 18.81°C

2. What is the temperature in Celsius if the temperature is 42.31 K more than the temperature shown on the thermometer?


a) 16°C
b) 16°C
c) 16°C
d) 16°C 

Answer: c) 121.16°C


Temperature shown on the thermometer = 352 K

Room temperature if the room temperature is 42.31 K more than the temperature shown on the thermometer.

Room temperature = 352 K + 42.31 K = 394.31 K

Using [°C] = [K] − 273.15

Room temperature in Kelvin = 394.31 K − 273.15 = 121.16°C

3. The temperature in the morning on my balcony is 21.8°C. It went up by 13.2°C at noon and further went down by 20.3°C in the evening. What is the temperature in the evening?

a) 10.7°C
b) 14.7°C
c) 15.4°C
d) 17.4°C

Answer: b) 14.7°C

Explanation: Temperature in the morning = 21.8°C

Temperature at noon = 21.8°C + 13.2°C
                                = 35°C

Temperature in the evening = 35°C – 20.3°C
                                          = 14.7°C

4. The temperature was 43.2°C on Sunday. On Monday, It had been dropping by 6.24°C and on Tuesday it was increasing by 8.04°C. What was the temperature in Fahrenheit on Tuesday?

a) 83°F
b) 93°F
c) 103°F
d) 113°F

Answer: d) 113°F

Explanation: Temperature on Sunday = 43.2°C

Temperature on Monday = (43.2 – 6.24) °C
                                     = 36.96°C 

Temperature on Tuesday = (36.96 + 8.04) °C
                                     = 45°C

Using [°F] = [°C] × 9/5 + 32

Temperature in fahrenheit on Tuesday = [45°C] × 9/5 + 32
                                                        = (81 + 32)°F
                                                         = 113°F

5. Which of the following thermometers shows 6°C less than the temperature shown on the given thermometer?


a) cmo-temperature-c5-10
b) cmo-temperature-c5-11
c) cmo-temperature-c5-12
d) cmo-temperature-c5-13

Answer: d) cmo-temperature-c5-13

Explanation: Temperature is shown on the thermometer = 68°C 

Each marking shows 2°C on the thermometer.

Temperature on the thermometer used in the option (d) is 6°C less than the temperature shown in the thermometer used in the question = 68°C − 6°C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  = 62°C

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