Worksheet on Tense for Class 5

Questions on Tense and Its Types - Class 5

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. James ____________ all afternoon for his maths test tomorrow.

a) had study
b) had been studying
c) was studied
d) studies

Answer: b)

2. Mia ____ to see a movie with her friends last Sunday.

a) had gone
b) was go
c) had going
d) have been going

Answer: a)

3. By the time Susan finishes cooking, Bob _________ the flower beds.

a) will have hoed
b) will hoe
c) hoes
d) will hoed

Answer: a)

4. Jia _________ rope in the garden while her grandma _________ a muffler for her father.

a) is skipping, knits
b) skips is knitting
c) is skipping, is knitting
d) skipped, knits

Answer: c)

5. Tina ______ her birthday party next week.

a) will throw
b) throws
c) threw
d) will threw

Answer: a)

6. Sheena ________ a magazine when the door bell ______.

a) was reading, rang
b) reads, rings
c) had read, ringed
d) is reading, was ringing

Answer: a)

7. We ______ the dessert after everyone _______ their dinner.

a) will eats, finishes
b) will eat, finishes
c) ate, finish
d) will ate, was finishing

Answer: b)

8. The clock ___________ one by the time he _______.

a) will striked, arrives
b) will struck, arrived
c) will have struck, arrives
d) strikes, arrived

Answer: c)

9. Rosemary usually _______ to take her purse when she leaves.

a) forgots
b) forget
c) forgets
d) forgotten

Answer: c)

10. Carl __________ the cake by the time Thomas arrives.

a) will cut
b) will have cut
c) has cut
d) cuts

Answer: b)

11. Fill in the blank with the correct past perfect continuous tense form of the verb given in the bracket:

The Sun _______________brightly when we reached Mount Everest. (shine) (CREST 2021-22)

a) shone 
b) was shining
c) has been shining 
d) had been shining

Answer: d) 

12. Identify the tense of the sentence: 

They had eaten lunch before the meeting started.

a) present perfect
b) past perfect
c) future perfect
d) simple past

Answer: b) 

13. Identify the tense of the sentence: 

She will have completed the project by next week.

a) simple future
b) past perfect
c) present perfect
d) future perfect

Answer: d)

14. By the time Alice ________ her assignment, the deadline ________.

a) finishes, passed
b) finished, has passed
c) had finished, passed
d) is finishing, passing

Answer: c) 

15. They ________ the new movie by the time we ________ to the theatre.

a) have seen, got
b) had seen, got
c) see, get
d) are seeing, get

Answer: b) 

16. Identify the tense of the given sentence: 

I am washing the clothes. (CREST 2022-23)

a) present simple
b) past perfect
c) present continuous
d) past continuous

Answer: c)

17. Jack and Jimmy ______ the project as soon as they ______ enough information.

a) start, gather
b) will start, gather
c) will start, will gather
d) started, gathered

Answer: b) 

18. By the time Tom’s grandmother ______ the cake, everyone ______ already ______ the party.

a) bakes, has, left
b) will bake, has, left
c) baked, had, left
d) bakes, had, left

Answer: c) 

19. We ______ the marathon before they ______ the finish line.

a) complete, reach
b) completed, reached
c) will complete, reach
d) will complete, will reach

Answer: b) 

20. Identify the tense of the given sentence:

I have been studying since morning. (CREST 2023-24)

a) present continuous
b) present perfect
c) present perfect continuous
d) present

Answer: c)

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