Worksheet on Universe and the Solar Family - Class 5 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 5 on Universe and the Solar Family

Solved Questions on Universe and The Solar Family

1. Which of the following statements is true regarding dwarf planets?

a) Dwarf planets are larger in size compared to regular planets.
b) Dwarf planets have significant gravitational influence, similar to regular planets.
c) Dwarf planets cannot clear their orbits of other objects like regular planets.
d) Dwarf planets have solid surfaces and are classified as terrestrial planets.

Answer: c) Unlike regular planets, dwarf planets have not cleared their orbits of other debris and objects. They share their orbital paths with other objects, such as asteroids or moons.

2. Ron visited a science museum and observed two planet models. One planet had a prominent red spot, while the other displayed stunning ring structures. Which of the following planets are most likely represented by these models?

a) Jupiter and Saturn
b) Mars and Saturn
c) Jupiter and Neptune
d) Venus and Mercury

Answer: a) The planet models with a prominent red spot and stunning ring structures most likely represent Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter is known for its Great Red Spot, a massive storm, while Saturn is famous for its beautiful and intricate ring system.

3. Match the following planets with their corresponding characteristics.

Column I

Column II

1. Neptune

A) Smallest planet in our solar system

2. Mars

B) Known as Earth's twin

3. Mercury

C) Reddish colour due to iron minerals in the soil

a) 1:A, 2:C, 3:D, 4:B
b) 1:D, 2:C, 3:A, 4:B
c) 1:C, 2:D, 3:A, 4:B
d) 1:D, 2:A, 3:C, 4:B

Answer: b) Neptune: Ice giant with a unique sideways rotation
Mars: Reddish colour due to iron minerals in the soil
Mercury: Smallest planet in our solar system
Venus: Known as Earth's twin

4. Identify the pair of Jovian planets from the following planets.

a) Mars and Venus
b) Pluto and Ceres
c) Jupiter and Mercury
d) Neptune and Uranus

Answer: d) The pair of Jovian planets from the given options is Neptune and Uranus.

5. Which of the following experiments is most suitable for demonstrating the concept of Earth's rotation?

a) Measuring the changing length of a shadow throughout the day
b) Examining the effects of different lighting conditions on plant growth
c) Analysing the change in seasons
d) Investigating the relationship between weight and mass using falling objects.

Answer: a) Measuring the changing length of a shadow throughout the day is the most suitable experiment for demonstrating the concept of Earth's rotation. By observing how the length of a shadow changes, one can understand the movement of the Sun across the sky as a result of Earth's rotation.


1. What is the Universe?

All matter, energy, galaxies, stars, planets, and even empty space are all part of the universe. It is all of the things both visible and invisible to the human eye.

2. What are galaxies in the Universe?

Massive groups of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter that are bound together by gravity are called galaxies. There are billions of galaxies in the universe, including our own Milky Way.

3. What are stars, and how do they form in the Universe?

Massive balls of burning gas that release heat and light are called stars. When gas and dust clouds compact and heat up due to gravity, they form.

4. What is a black hole, and how does it relate to the Universe?

A black hole is an area of space that is incredibly dense and has so intense gravity that nothing can escape from it, not even light. Black holes are a feature of the universe and come in different sizes.

5. How many planets are in our Solar System?

There are eight known planets in our solar system: Neptune, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Pluto is presently categorised as a dwarf planet, but it was once thought to be the ninth planet.

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