Worksheet on Verbs for Class 5

Questions on Verbs and Its Types - Class 5

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. As the horror movie reaches its climax, the heroine suddenly _________ in terror.

a) shrieked
b) blown
c) thrived
d) loitered

Answer: a)

2. What is ______ your progress in this regard?

a) monitoring
b) fixing
c) hindering
d) nullifying

Answer: c)

3. The police set up a roadblock to __________ the suspect's vehicle, bringing a swift end to the high-speed chase.

a) intercept
b) monitor
c) trigger
d) impair

Answer: a)

4. The kind-hearted old man decided to _______ the stray dog, providing shelter and care until the dog could find a permanent family.

a) arrest
b) invest
c) foster
d) bust

Answer: c)

5. Lisa _________ herself from expressing her displeasure over the issue.

a) trolled
b) sustained
c) hastened
d) restrained

Answer: d)

6. He decided to _______ his membership to the club.

a) renew
b) alter
c) presume
d) revamp

Answer: a)

7. Water is the only known substance on Earth that _______ naturally in three states: solid, liquid, and gas.

a) runs
b) exists
c) lays
d) presents

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct phrasal verb:

8. The mother _______ the baby’s clothes and took him for a bath.

a) keep up
b) put in
c) put off
d) took off

Answer: d)

State if the highlighted verb is transitive or intransitive:

9. Murphy grinned and scratched his head when he could not answer the question.

a) transitive
b) intransitive
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct modal verb:

10. Students _____ use the library computers for research during lunch break.

a) can
b) could
c) may
d) might

Answer: a)

11. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: 

I ________ to Mexico until John took me there last month. (CREST 2022-23)

a) had never been
b) was never being
c) has never been
d) am never being

Answer: a)

12. As the horror movie reached its climax, the heroine suddenly _________ in terror.

a) shrieked
b) blowed
c) thrived
d) loitered

Answer: a) 

13. Despite the heavy rain, the children _________ playing soccer.

a) continue
b) continued
c) continuing
d) continues

Answer: b) 

14. The detective carefully __________ the clues to solve the mystery.

a) abandoned
b) ignored
c) forgot
d) examined

Answer: d) 

15. As the Sun set, the sky gradually _________ shades of orange and pink.

a) transformed
b) destroyed
c) constructed
d) Rejected

Answer: a) 

16. The teacher __________ the importance of honesty to her students.

a) silenced
b) ignored
c) emphasized
d) hindered

Answer: c) 

17. The author __________ his latest novel after years of research.

a) destroyed
b) published 
c) concealed
d) abandoned

Answer: b) 

18. You _____ leave the classroom without the teacher's permission.

a) might
b) can
c) mustn't
d) shouldn't

Answer: c) 

19. We _____ take an umbrella. It looks like it might rain.

a) can
b) should
c) must
d) could

Answer: b) 

20. They _____ have left early because the lights are still on.

a) can't
b) must
c) might
d) could

Answer: a)

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