Worksheet on Collocation for Class 6

Questions on Collocation and Its Types - Class 6

Fill in the blanks with the right collocations:

1. He is keen to ________ knowledge in this field.

a) collect
b) acquire
c) distribute
d) harness

Answer: b)

2. The witness gave an ________ description of the culprit which helped the police in nabbing him.

a) accurate
b) eminent
c) ecstatic
d) intelligent

Answer: a)

3. The company is going to get a _______ advantage from this huge project.

a) lot
b) minor
c) major
d) quick

Answer: c)

4. The convict was exonerated from the charges for want of ______ evidence.

a) extra
b) exaggerated
c) edge
d) ample

Answer: d)

5. The field of _________ intelligence is very intriguing and is sure to have an impact on all the fields for years to come.

a) artificial
b) superficial
c) interior
d) exterior

Answer: a)

6. The teacher _______ assigned seats in the hall to the students.

a) randomly
b) crazily
c) frantically
d) suavely

Answer: a)

7. The criminal made a ________ attempt to escape from the prison but his plan was marred.

a) plain
b) desperate
c) dazzling
d) thorough

Answer: b)

8. The radio program was designed by keeping the _______ audience in mind.

a) childish
b) sluggish
c) youth
d) target

Answer: d)

9. The judge tried to gather some concrete _______ knowledge of the case which was transferred from the lower court to his tribunal.

a) mundane
b) abstract
c) background
d) foreground

Answer: c)

10. Modern computers are based on a simple ______ system.

a) binary
b) tenary
c) barter
d) crucial

Answer: a)

11. Which word best completes the sentence: 

I had a very busy day and I was completely _______.

a) exhausted
b) frightened 
c) surprised 
d) angry

Answer: a) 

12. We use the collocation "make a decision”. Which word best completes the sentence:

The team had to _______ a difficult choice.

a) do
b) take 
c) win 
d) become

Answer: b)

13. Which word does NOT make a good collocation with "burst"? 

a) into laughter
b) with anger
c) a balloon
d) a record 

Answer: d)

14. What is the opposite of the collocation "make a mistake"? 

a) make a choice 
b) be successful 
c) do something right 
d) be perfect

Answer: c)

15. We use the verb "conduct" with many nouns. Which word does NOT make a good collocation with "conduct"? 

a) an experiment 
b) a meeting 
c) a conversation
d) a race 

Answer: d)

16. What is the correct way to say "forget something completely"? 

a) slightly forget 
b) completely forget 
c) temporarily forget 
d) occasionally forget

Answer: b)

17. What is the correct way to say "do something without thinking"? 

a) do something carefully 
b) do something on purpose 
c) do something accidentally 
d) do something slowly

Answer: c)

Identify the correct type of collocation of the highlighted words:

18. Let’s have lunch together!

a) Verb + Noun 
b) Adjective + Noun
c) Noun + Verb 
d) Verb + Adverb

Answer: a)

19. Why are you carrying such a heavy box?

a) Verb + Noun 
b) Adjective + Noun
c) Noun + Verb 
d) Verb + Adverb

Answer: b)

20. Jack was extremely happy after awarded by gold medal from the mayor.

a) Verb + Noun 
b) Adjective + Noun
c) Noun + Verb 
d) Adverb + Adjective

Answer: d)

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