Worksheet on Idioms for Class 6

Questions on Idioms and Its Types - Class 6

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. He almost always __________ the clock to be punctual.

a) raced against 
b) faced bravely
c) stayed ahead
d) danced around

Answer: a)

2. Receiving a failing grade on the final exam was already disheartening, but ______________, the teacher publicly pointed out the mistakes in front of the entire class.

a) to sprinkle salt over wounds
b) to add insult to injury
c) make it even more painful
d) to make it even better

Answer: b)

3. Jemima’s dance performance seems to have ________________ from Fiona’s performance because she outperformed her on the same song.

a) to have stolen thunder
b) muted all indignant voices
c) silenced the critics
d) backfired

Answer: a)

4. Jimmy and Harold are both weak at mathematics and science so they seem to be in ____________.

a) the same cradle
b) the same boat
c) the same bottle
d) the same foible

Answer: b)

5. The kid’s plan to celebrate their mom’s birthday in the attic __________ due to the electric outage.

a) blew up in the face
b) flew over tree-trops
c) struck a bolt
d) collapsed crumbly

Answer: a)

6. When David's friend apologised for their misunderstanding, he decided to _____________ and forgive him.

a) turn over a new leaf
b) sweep it under the rug
c) bite the bullet
d) cry over spilt milk

Answer: a) 

7. The diligent student ___________ to crack his upcoming exams.

a) buckle under
b) buckle up
c) buckle down
d) buckle with

Answer: c)

8. Completing the challenging exam _______________, Daniel managed to grasp just enough key concepts to secure a passing grade.

a) by the skin of his teeth
b) on the verge of
c) by the collar 
d) neck-to-neck

Answer: a)

9. The coach’s advice in the game proved ______________ and was instrumental in helping us win the game.

a) bite the bullet
b) worth its weight in gold
c) as tough as steel
d) wrought in iron 

Answer: a)

10. Rachel ___________ to help out the unfortunate woman whom she met at the hospital.

a) direct from the horse’s mouth
b) brought to books
c) left no stone unturned
d) called it a day

Answer: c)

11. After forgetting his lines during the play, James felt embarrassed but remembered _____________.

a) it's a piece of cake
b) actions speak louder than words
c) practice makes perfect
d) don't count your chickens before they hatch

Answer: c) 

12. When the teacher announced a surprise test, Shelly realised she was _____________ for not studying.

a) barking up the wrong tree
b) all ears
c) caught between a rock and a hard place
d) in hot water

Answer: d) 

13. Despite being nervous, Cathrine decided to _____________ and give the speech her best shot.

a) spill the beans
b) stick to her guns
c) sweep it under the rug
d) break the ice

Answer: d) 

14. After receiving praise for his hard work, Tom felt _____________ about his achievements.

a) over the moon
b) in a pickle
c) out of the blue
d) pulling his leg

Answer: a) 

15. After forgetting to bring his homework to school, Daniel realised he was _____________ with his teacher.

a) in the same boat
b) out of the woods
c) walking on thin ice
d) in hot water

Answer: d) 

16. Despite feeling nervous, Emily decided to _____________ and audition for the school play.

a) keep her fingers crossed
b) sweep it under the rug
c) throw in the towel
d) bite off more than she could chew

Answer: a) 

17. When Scarlet saw her test score, she was _____________ because she didn't expect to do so well.

a) on pins and needles
b) in the same boat
c) pulling her leg
d) over the moon

Answer: d) 

18. After practising for weeks, the basketball team was finally ready to _____________ and win the championship.

a) turn over a new leaf
b) hit the nail on the head
c) give it their best shot
d) sweep it under the rug

Answer: c) 

19. When Samuel's parents gave him a surprise trip for his birthday, he was _____________ with excitement.

a) over the moon
b) in a nutshell
c) out of the blue
d) pulling his leg

Answer: a)

20. Despite facing challenges, Linda decided to _____________ and pursue her dream of becoming a veterinarian.

a) keep her chin up
b) hit the nail on the head
c) spill the beans
d) sit on the fence

Answer: a)

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