Worksheet on Spelling Words for Class 6

Questions on Spelling Words and Its Formation - Class 6

Fill in the blank with the correctly spelt word:

1. Jasper was a poor _____ orphaned boy dressed in rags when he met me for the first time.

a) scrauny
b) scrony
c) scrawny
d) scroony

Answer: c)

2. Carlos has filed a complaint in the court against the dishonest trader and therefore he is the __________ in this case.

a) plantiff
b) planetiff
c) planetif
d) plaintiff

Answer: d)

3. Marla was ________ to answer and give out so much information to the stranger.

a) ralectant
b) reluctant
c) reeluctant
d) relectante

Answer: b)

4. The investigator closely ________ the evidence.

a) scrutinised
b) scrootinsed
c) scrutenice
d) scrutenise

Answer: a)

5. The numismatist _________ the script on the ancient coin successfully.

a) dicepher
b) dicipher
c) decipher
d) desifer

Answer: c)

6. The artist captured beautifully all the subtle _____ of the town at the sunset.

a) nuances
b) nuences
c) newances
d) nueances

Answer: a)

7. The businessman carried out all his ________ activities unhindered despite the law banning some illegal activities pursued by him.

a) mercantile
b) marcentile
c) macantile
d) maarcantile

Answer: a)

8. The ________ was pardoned by the principal for his mischief.

a) mescreant
b) mesecraent
c) miscreant
d) masecreant

Answer: c)

9. The report was clearly ______ in favour of the shrewd businessman.

a) miscontured
b) mizcontrued
c) misconstrued
d) misscontrued

Answer: c)

10. The benefactor was known far and wide for his _______.

a) oppulence
b) appulence
c) opluance
d) opulence

Answer: d)

11. The ________ helped Jack in picking out new glasses for better vision.

a) optician
b) optisian
c) oppticiane
d) opticiane

Answer: a)

12. The explorer's thirst for adventure was ____________, always driving him to seek out new lands and discoveries.

a) unkwechable
b) unkwechabel
c) unquenchable
d) unquenchabel

Answer: c)

13. The palace shimmered with _________, with its golden walls and sparkling chandeliers.

a) oppulense
b) oppulence
c) opulense
d) opulence

Answer: d)

14. The teacher showed ___________ by allowing students extra time to finish their homework.

a) leniensy
b) leninse
c) leniency
d) leeniency

Answer: c)

15. Can you give me a __________ summary of the story we just read?

a) succinct
b) sukinct
c) saccint
d) succinkt

Answer: a)

16. After being accused of cheating, Alice felt ____________ because she knew she had followed the rules carefully.

a) endignant
b) endagnant
c) indignant
d) indignent

Answer: c)

17. Although Daniel tried his best, his drawing was still mediocre compared to his classmates' colourful masterpieces.

a) medioker
b) mediocer
c) medeokir
d) mediocre

Answer: d)

18. Manuel faced the _______ of his teacher when he forgot to do his homework.

a) wrath
b) rath
c) rathe
d) wrathe

Answer: a)

19. The king agreed to ___________ to his people's request for a new park in the village.

a) accide
b) asede
c) accede
d) acede

Answer: c)

20. After the bell rang, there was a cheerful __________ of students from the classroom, excited for the weekend ahead.

a) exodus
b) axodus
c) eccodus
d) accodus

Answer: a)

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