Worksheet on Spoken and Written Expressions for Class 6

Questions on Spoken and Written Expressions - Class 6

I. Read the given dialogue and fill in the blanks from 1-5 to complete the conversation:

Kelly: Ugh, Della, I can't believe I failed the history test. It's so frustrating!
Della: Hey, it happens to the best of us, Kelly. Don't be ____1_____ yourself.
Kelly: But you _____2_____ it! How do you always manage to get the highest score?
Della: Well, maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe I just study a bit differently. But that doesn't mean you can't improve.
Kelly: I feel like I'll never get______3________. History is just not my thing.
Della: Come on, Kelly. Don't be so negative. I've been thinking, maybe we could study together this weekend for the next test. Two heads are better than one, right?
Kelly: You'd actually study with me, even________4_________?
Della: Of course! We're friends, and I want to help you succeed. Plus, I'm not just doing it for you. I think it could be beneficial for both of us.
Kelly: That's really nice of you, Della. I appreciate it.
Della: No problem! We'll go through the material together, make some fun mnemonics, and hopefully, it'll make history a bit more interesting.
Kelly: Thanks, Della. I guess I'll give______5______.

1. What will come in blank 1?

a) too hard on
b) too vexed up
c) so annoying
d) too jealous of me

Answer: a)

2. What will come in blank 2?

a) embraced
b) aced
c) nailed
d) both b and c can fit

Answer: d)

3. What will come in blank 3?

a) the hang of this
b) the nerve of this
c) taste of this
d) get the vibe of this

Answer: a)

3. What will come in blank 4?

a) even after knowing what have I done
b) after I messed up so bad
c) after me failing the test
d) I disappoint everyone

Answer: b)

4. What will come in blank 5?

a) you a penny for a thought
b) it a shot
c) think about it and let you know
d) you a dime if I pass

Answer: b)

II. Read the given dialogue and fill in the blanks from 6-10 to complete the conversation:

Jenny: Paula, I was thinking we could catch that new movie everyone's talking about this weekend. What do you say?
Paula: Oh, Jenny, I had something different in mind. I thought we could go for a picnic and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Jenny: A picnic? Really? I was really looking forward _____6______that movie.
Paula: Well, I was looking forward to some fresh air and a relaxing day outdoors. We could use a break from our routine.
Jenny: (pauses) Yeah, but a movie could be a nice break too. You know, just chilling in the theatre with some popcorn.
Paula: (smiles) True, but imagine sitting by a lake, having a picnic, and enjoying the serenity of nature.
Jenny: (sighs) I guess that ________7_________.
Paula: So, what do you say? Let's go for a compromise. How about we have a small picnic in the park and then catch the evening show of the movie?
Jenny: (smiles) That actually_____8________! We get the _______9______.
Paula: Exactly! It's all about finding a _____10______. A picnic and a movie day it is, then!
Jenny: Perfect! I'm in.

6. What will come in blank 6?

a) to watching
b) to watch
c) for watching
d) to sight 

Answer: a)

7. What will come in blank 7?

a) does the trick
b) does sound nice
c) does the magic
d) does sounds monotonous

Answer: b)

8. What will come in blank 8?

a) a misfit
b) mundane and gross
c) sounds like a great idea
d) is ambitious

Answer: c)

9. What will come in blank 9?

a) best of both worlds
b) the icing on the cake
c) the charm of the evening
d) most of our time

Answer: a)

10. What will come in blank 10?

a) middle ground
b) the right person
c) just the idea
d) just a core insight

Answer: a)

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