Worksheet on Synonyms for Class 6

Practice Questions on Synonyms for Class 6

Choose the correct synonym of the highlighted word in the given sentence:

1. Everyone found the behaviour of the school principal a little bizarre that day.

a) eccentric
b) usual
c) reasonable
d) familiar

Answer: a)

2. Gordon had a murky past hidden from all those who were around him.

a) clear
b) distinct
c) apparent
d) shady

Answer: d)

3. John wants to be a pioneer in the field of comic animation.

a) trailblazer
b) follower
c) competitor
d) rival

Answer: a)

4. Derrick recently lost his chronic tippler brother, so his aversion to alcohol is understandable.

a) afficianado
b) teetotaller
c) caddie
d) bidet

Answer: b)

5. Maudie’s explanation was found the most succinct by the class in charge.

a) gaudy
b) vague
c) vogue
d) blizzard

Answer: b)

6. Despite his scrawny appearance, the wiry teenager surprised everyone with his incredible strength during the weightlifting competition.

a) plump
b) chubby
c) lanky
d) rotund

Answer: c)

7. Gina became emotionally quite vulnerable after she lost her self-confidence following a defeat in the basketball championship.

a) secure
b) susceptible
c) sumptuous
d) protected

Answer: b)

8. Security of those present was the paramount responsibility and concern of the police chief.

a) secondary
b) preeminent
c) assumed
d) unsaid

Answer: b)

9. The efforts made by the students for organising the annual function were laudatory.

a) critical
b) commendatory
c) jubilant
d) scrutinise

Answer: b)

10. She took a paltry piece of cake as she was on a diet.

a) meagre
b) huge
c) enormous
d) crucial

Answer: a)

11. Ms. Smith explained the concept in a clear way.

a) confusing
b) difficult
c) obvious
d) interesting

Answer: c)

12. The classroom was a mess after the painting project. It was quite chaotic.

a) organized
b) messy
c) colourful
d) creative

Answer: b)

13. Grandma told a fascinating story about her childhood to her grandson.

a) boring
b) short
c) scary
d) captivating

Answer: d)

14. Everyone found the behaviour of the school principal a little strange at the annual day function.

a) familiar
b) eccentric
c) reasonable
d) helpful

Answer: b) 

15. We should be careful while crossing the street. 

a) careless
b) cautious
c) messy
d) loud

Answer: b)

16. Children built a sturdy sandcastle on the beach. 

a) strong
b) weak
c) tall
d) dirty

Answer: a)

17. The movie was so exciting, it kept us on the edge of our seats! 

a) boring
b) thrilling
c) slow
d) sad

Answer: b)

18. Always Smile Foundation received a generous donation from the charity. 

a) selfish
b) funny
c) mean
d) kind

Answer: d)

19. Shelly looked frightened when she came to know about her loss.

a) happy
b) scared
c) brave
d) playful

Answer: b)

20. We should always be honest and truthful. 

a) dishonest
b) rude
c) sincere
d) late

Answer: c)

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