Worksheet on Types of Waste - Class 6 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Solved Questions on Type of Waste

1. Which of the following best describes the term "biodegradable waste"?

a) Waste that can be recycled into new products.
b) Waste that can be decomposed by natural processes.
c) Waste that emits harmful gases into the environment.
d) Waste that is non-toxic and safe for disposal in landfills.

Answer: b) Biodegradable waste refers to waste materials that can be broken down and decomposed by natural processes, such as the action of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. This decomposition process helps turn the waste into simpler substances and contributes to the recycling of nutrients back into the environment.

2. In an experiment, organic waste is placed in a compost bin and regularly turned. Which of the following is the most likely outcome of the experiment?

a) The waste will decompose and turn into nutrient-rich compost
b) The waste will remain unchanged
c) The waste will emit harmful gases
d) The waste will evaporate

Answer: a) When organic waste is placed in a compost bin and regularly turned, it creates an environment suitable for the growth of beneficial microorganisms. These microorganisms break down the waste through the process of decomposition, resulting in the formation of nutrient-rich compost that can be used as a natural fertilizer for plants.

3. How can you contribute to waste reduction in your school or community?

a) Initiating a recycling program
b) Using disposable items instead of reusable ones
c) Increasing the use of single-use plastic bags
d) Throwing away all food leftovers

Answer: a) Initiating a recycling program is an effective way to contribute to waste reduction in schools or communities. Recycling resources by converting used materials into new products. Using disposable items instead of reusable ones, increasing the use of single-use plastic bags, or throwing away all food leftovers contribute to waste generation rather than waste reduction.

4. Match the waste management method with its description.

Column I

Column II

1. Landfills

A) Process of converting biodegradable waste into nutrient-rich compost using red worms.

2. Composting

B) Large areas used for the disposal of solid waste, covered with soil after filling.

3. Vermicomposting

C) Process of converting biodegradable waste into compost through decomposition by microorganisms.

4. Recycling

D) Transforming waste materials into new products through collection and processing.

a) 1:B, 2:A, 3:C, 4:D
b) 1:D, 2:C, 3:A, 4:A
c) 1:B, 2:C, 3:A, 4:D
d) 1:D, 2:A, 3:C, 4:B

Answer: c) Landfills are large areas used for the disposal of solid waste, covered with soil after filling.
Composting is the process of converting biodegradable waste into compost through decomposition by microorganisms.
Vermicomposting is the process of converting biodegradable waste into nutrient-rich compost using red worms.
Recycling involves transforming waste materials into new products through collection and processing.

5. Sarah wants to investigate the process of composting. Which of the following materials should she use in her experiment?

a) Plastic bottles
b) Metal cans
c) Glass jars
d) Food scraps and yard trimmings

Answer: d) Sarah should use food scraps and yard trimmings in her composting experiment. These organic materials provide the necessary carbon and nitrogen sources for the decomposition process. Plastic bottles, metal cans, and glass jars are not suitable for composting as they do not decompose naturally and can contaminate the compost pile.


1. What are the main types of waste?

The main types of waste are solid waste, liquid waste, and gaseous waste. Solid waste includes things like paper, plastic, and food scraps. Liquid waste is often wastewater from households and industries. Gaseous waste includes air pollutants released into the atmosphere.

2. What is organic waste?

Biodegradable waste products such as garden rubbish, food scraps, and other natural elements are considered organic waste. Recycling these can produce soil that is rich in nutrients.

3. Why is it important to reduce waste?

Reducing waste helps conserve resources, protect the environment, and minimize pollution. It also contributes to sustainable living by promoting responsible consumption.

4. What is e-waste?

Electronic garbage, or "e-waste," includes outdated electronics such as TVs, laptops, and cell phones. Because e-waste contains dangerous elements, proper disposal is necessary.

5. What is agricultural waste and its types?

Agricultural waste refers to any leftover or unused material that is generated during farming and agricultural activities. These materials are typically not used or consumed.

Here are few types of Agricultural waste:

  1. Crop Residues: These are the parts of plants left in the field after harvesting. Examples include corn stalks, wheat straw, and rice husks.

  2. Animal Manure: Waste produced by farm animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens. Manure contains organic matter and nutrients.

  3. Food Processing Waste: When crops are processed into food products like canned vegetables or fruit juices, the byproducts and waste materials are considered agricultural waste.

  4. Dead Animals: The carcasses of animals that die on farms or in farming operations are a type of agricultural waste.

  5. Irrigation Equipment Waste: Old or damaged irrigation pipes.

  6. Non-Biodegradable Waste: Materials like plastic bags etc.

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