Worksheet on Verbs for Class 6

Questions on Verbs and Its Types - Class 6

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. Though Fiona was _______ low, she managed to _____ a gleeful expression in the family gathering.

a) feeling, put up
b) seeing, put on
c) thinking, look after
d) sinking, looked upon

Answer: a)

2. Can you __________ between the behaviour of the two mice after they were exposed to a cold breeze?

a) recognise
b) differentiate
c) erase
d) hinder

Answer: b)

3. Everyone was _________ thoroughly by the security guard at the museum’s entrance.

a) brisked
b) frisked
c) filtered
d) fostered

Answer: b)

4. The celebrity singer blamed the journalist for _______ his public image.

a) sustaining
b) maintaining
c) banishing
d) tarnishing

Answer: d)

5. The students ________ at the sound of the fire alarm.

a) attacked
b) panicked
c) complained
d) terrified

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct phrasal verb:

6. The president _________ the meeting due to a lack of quorum.

a) called off
b) called upon
c) called in
d) break into

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct modal verb:

7. I _____ finish the project by tomorrow if I work on it diligently tonight.

a) can
b) could
c) may
d) might

Answer: d)

8. The teacher ________ the students for being so naughty.

a) applauded
b) exiled
c) chided
d) sweltered

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct modal verb:

9. After completing their homework, students _____ participate in the science experiment.

a) can
b) could
c) may
d) might

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct phrasal verb:

10. The tourists complained of being ________ by the local ferrymen.

a) ripped off
b) pissed off
c) fizzle out
d) looked into

11. Choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the blank: 

When the soldier reached his village he found that the news about him ____________ him. (CREST 2022-23)

a) preceded 
b) had preceded 
c) has preceded 
d) had been preceded

Answer: b)

12. The scientist's theory was ________ by further research and experiments.

a) backed up
b) backed out
c) backed over
d) backed in

Answer: a) 

13. The project was challenging, but Jack and Shelly managed to ________ it with great success.

a) pull in
b) pull out
c) pull over
d) pull off

Answer: d) 

14. To ensure clarity, the instructions were ________ in detail.

a) spelled out
b) spelled over
c) spelled off
d) spelled in

Answer: a) 

15. Scarlet had to ________ the invitation due to a prior commitment.

a) turn up
b) turn down
c) turn over
d) turn in

Answer: b) 

16. Fill in the blank using the most appropriate verb:

I listened to the politician's speech without having a slight idea about what he was _________. (CREST 2023-24)

a) yelling 
b) speaking
c) honking 
d) discussing

Answer: b)

17. The thief ________ the stolen goods in an abandoned warehouse.

a) displayed
b) soled
c) donated
d) concealed

Answer: d) 

18. The lawyer ________ the witness with a series of tough questions.

a) comforted
b) interrogated
c) ignored
d) praised

Answer: b) 

19. The new policy was ________ to address the rising concerns about data privacy.

a) implemented
b) ignored
c) dismissed
d) overlooked

Answer: a) 

20. We ________ be able to catch the train if we hurry.

a) should
b) can
c) might
d) would

Answer: c) 

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