Worksheet on Class 6 English Vocabulary

Practice Questions on Vocabulary for Class 6

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. Sitting by the window on a rainy day, she became_________, lost in deep thoughts as the droplets traced intricate patterns on the glass.

a) defensive
b) aggressive
c) pensive
d) regressive

Answer: c)

2. As a resident of the ___________ city, she enjoyed the diverse cultural experiences, with a variety of cuisines, languages, and traditions all within easy reach.

a) cosmopolitan
b) egalitarian
c) nefarious
d) militarian

Answer: a)

3. The chef's impressive _________ of culinary skills allowed him to create a diverse menu, featuring dishes from various cuisines around the world.

a) stringent
b) repertoire
c) amateur
d) pallet

Answer: b)

4. The film received ____________ reviews, with critics expressing disappointment in its predictable plot and lacklustre performances.

a) mediocre
b) epicure
c) demure
d) heartening

Answer: a)

5. In the bustling market, customers often _________ with vendors to get the best possible price for the items they want to purchase.

a) strangle
b) juggle
c) snuggle
d) haggle 

Answer: d)

6. The child felt _______ upon not being heard enough by its parents.

a) indignant
b) malnourish
c) malignant
d) spurious

Answer: a)

7. In his quest for a healthier lifestyle, he made a conscious decision to _________ fast food and processed snacks, opting instead for nutritious and whole foods.

a) pervert
b) eschew
c) banish
d) libel

Answer: b)

8. The coach was patient but firm in addressing the __________ behaviour of the players, reminding them of the importance of maintaining focus and teamwork.

a) questionable
b) equestrian
c) juvenile
d) hilarious

Answer: c)

9. The artist was ___________ in every brushstroke, paying careful attention to the details of the painting to create a masterpiece with precision and finesse.

a) meticulous
b) fastidious
c) traumatic
d) sadistic

Answer: a)

10. As a strategic _________, the company decided to introduce a limited-time promotion to attract new customers and revitalise interest in their products.

a) anguish
b) ambush
c) gambit
d) caveat

Answer: c)

11. A person who is always seeking attention and approval from others might be considered __________.

a) confident
b) independent|
c) insecure
d) self-reliant

Answer: c) 

12. Being __________ means being understanding and caring towards others' feelings and needs.

a) compassionate
b) indifferent
c) rude
d) selfish

Answer: a) 

13. Someone who is always eager to help others can be described as __________.

a) selfish
b) generous
c) stingy
d) rude

Answer: b) 

14. When someone feels __________, they might experience a desire to possess what others have.

a) content
b) grateful
c) envious
d) thankful

Answer: c) 

15. Someone who is described as "__________" is likely to be active and lively.

a) tired
b) lazy
c) weak
d) energetic 

Answer: d) 

16. A person who is always ill and weak can be described as __________.

a) robust
b) frail
c) healthy
d) fit

Answer: b) 

17. A __________ is a professional who advises individuals on their dietary habits and nutrition.

a) physician
b) nutritionist
c) dietitian
d) therapist

Answer: c) 

18. Sarah's physical fitness did not alleviate her __________, which often affected her emotional stability.

a) instability
b) balance
c) equilibrium
d) composure

Answer: b) 

19. Despite his age, Grandpa remained __________ and enjoyed going for walks every day.

a) frail
b) fit
c) healthy
d) robust

Answer: d) 

20. Even though he was physically fit, Tom's emotional __________ often caused him distress.

a) stability
b) instability
c) equilibrium
d) balance

Answer: b) 

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