Worksheet on Antonyms for Class 7

Practice Questions on Antonyms for Class 7

1. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

The snow-covered peaks of the majestic mountains stood tall against the clear blue sky, creating a breathtaking and awe-inspiring sight for all those fortunate enough to witness it.

a) pathetic
b) dismay
c) disarray
d) pungent

Answer: a)

2. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

Mandy found the guitar lessons not only complex but also banal.

a) mundane
b) boring
c) unintriguing
d) piquant

Answer: d)

3. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

Tobby left the valentine party early because he finds the soppy love-sick tunes of the music disgusting.

a) insolvent
b) murky
c) sentimental
d) practical

Answer: d)

4. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

Greg was flabbergasted at the thought of performing on the stage for the first time.

a) puzzled
b) anxious
c) stunned
d) apathetic

Answer: d)

5. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

In many cultures, people venerate their elders, showing deep respect and admiration for their wisdom and life experiences.

a) desecrate
b) tessellate
c) bemuse
d) confiscate

Answer: a)

6. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch.

a) clandestine
b) secretive
c) auspicious
d) blatant

Answer: d)

7. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

The new surveillance cameras were designed to be unobtrusive and efficient.

a) conspicuous
b) repugnant
c) morbid
d) subservient

Answer: a)

8. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

It took a fortnight for her to recuperate from her illness.

a) succumb
b) tremendous
c) conspire
d) degenerate

Answer: d)

9. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

Her performance at the balle was stupendous which won her laurels at the competition.

a) valuable
b) mesmerising
c) mediocre
d) susceptible

Answer: c)

10. Choose the option which is an antonym of the highlighted word:

Despite the chaos unfolding around her, Maria maintained remarkable sangfroid, calmly assessing the situation and making decisive decisions to ensure the safety of those in her charge.

a) turbulence
b) conspicuous
c) comprehensible
d) divergent

Answer: a)

11. The house was in a state of disarray after Alice’s birthday party.

a) organization
b) chaos
c) abundance
d) cleanliness

Answer: a) 

12. Ms Smith explained the concept in a very lucid manner, making it easy to understand.

a) complex
b) transparent
c) brief
d) interesting

Answer: a) 

13. The thief tried to be discreet, avoiding detection as he snuck into the house.

a) cautious
b) suspicious
c) noticeable
d) clever

Answer: c) 

14. Choose the word opposite to the given word from the given set of options:

Terrible (CREST 2021-22)

a) soothing 
b) unendurable
c) enormous
d) egregious

Answer: a)

15. The path leading to the mountain peak was quite arduous.

a) challenging
b) difficult
c) easy
d) adventurous

Answer: c) 

16. Choose the word that gives the opposite meaning to the word which means represent something as being larger, better, or worse than it really is.': (CREST 2022-23)

a) ignore 
b) understate 
c) condemn 
d) acquit

Answer: b)

17. The scientist conducted a series of meticulous experiments to ensure accuracy.

a) careful
b) detailed
c) careless
d) planned

Answer: c) 

18. The old woman lived a secluded life in her cottage far away from the city.

a) peaceful
b) quiet 
c) social
d) isolated

Answer: c) 

19. The speaker's voice was so feeble that it was barely audible.

a) weak
b) strained
c) strong
d) loud

Answer: c) 

20. Choose the word opposite to the given word from the given set of options:

Discovered (CREST 2023-24)

a) exposed 
b) obscured
c) revealed 
d) contended

Answer: b)

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