Worksheet on Asexual Reproduction in Plants - Class 7 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Solved Questions on Asexual Reproduction in Plants

1. Consider the following paragraph about tissue culture and answer the following question.

Tissue culture is a technique used to propagate plants in a controlled environment. It involves the growth and development of plant tissues or cells in an artificial nutrient medium under controlled environmental conditions. This method allows for the mass production of plants with desirable traits and the generation of disease-free plants.

Question: Based on the information provided, which of the following statements is correct?

a) Tissue culture is a natural method of plant propagation.
b) Tissue culture is an unpredictable and unreliable technique.
c) Tissue culture is a laboratory-based method used for plant propagation.
d) Tissue culture is a technique exclusively used for sexual reproduction in plants.

Answer: c) Tissue culture is a laboratory-based method used for plant propagation is the correct statement based on the information provided. Tissue culture involves the growth and development of plant tissues or cells in a controlled environment, typically in a laboratory setting.

2. In an experiment, a gardener removes a leaf from a begonia plant and places it in a container of water. After a few weeks, roots start to emerge from the leaf. This experiment demonstrates:

a) Sexual reproduction through leaves
b) Sexual reproduction in plants
c) Vegetative reproduction through leaves
d) Reproduction by grafting

Answer: c) In this experiment, a leaf from a begonia plant is used to propagate a new plant. The leaf is placed in water, and after a few weeks, roots start to emerge from the leaf. This process indicates that the leaf has the ability to develop roots and grow into a new plant, showcasing reproduction through leaves.

3. In the following question, you will find an assertion and a reason. Select the appropriate option that applies.

Assertion: Vegetative propagation allows for the production of genetically identical offspring.
Reasoning: Vegetative propagation involves the use of plant parts like stems, leaves, or roots to create new plants. These plant parts contain the exact genetic information of the parent plant. When these parts are used for propagation, they give rise to new individuals that are genetically identical to the parent plant.

a) Both the assertion and reasoning are correct, and the reasoning explains the assertion.
b) Both the assertion and reasoning are correct, but the reasoning does not explain the assertion.
c) The assertion is correct, but the reasoning is incorrect.
d) The assertion is incorrect, but the reasoning is correct.

Answer: a) The assertion states that vegetative propagation allows for the production of genetically identical offspring. The reasoning provides an explanation by stating that vegetative propagation involves the use of plant parts that contain the exact genetic information of the parent plant. When these parts are used for propagation, they give rise to new individuals that are genetically identical to the parent plant. Therefore, the reasoning supports and explains the assertion, making both the assertion and reasoning correct.

4. Complete the following table by choosing the correct option.

Method of Reproduction




Production and dispersal of specialized cells



Swollen underground stems containing buds for new growth





a) A: Spore Formation, B: Tubers, C: Roots develop from the buried portion of the branch, D: Cherry
b) A: Fragmentation, B: Bulbs, C: Plants grow in laboratories, D: Mango
c) A: Spore Formation, B: Budding, C: Roots develop from the buried portion of the branch, D: Sugarcane
d) A: Budding, B: Tubers, C: Plants grow in laboratories, D: Apple

Answer: a) A: Spore Formation, B: Tubers, C: Roots develop from the buried portion of the branch, D: Cherry

5. Please review the following statements and determine which one is true and which one is false.

I. Sexual reproduction in plants involves the fusion of male and female gametes, resulting in genetically diverse offspring.
II. Vegetative propagation is a type of asexual reproduction that cannot occur without any human intervention.
III. Budding is a method of asexual reproduction in which gametes are inserted into the bark of another plant.

a) I: True, II: True, III: False
b) I: True, II: False, III: False
c) I: False, II: False, III: True
d) I: False, II: False, III: True

Answer: b) Statement I is true because sexual reproduction in plants does involve the fusion of male and female gametes, leading to genetically diverse offspring.
Statement II is false because vegetative propagation can occur naturally in plants without human intervention, such as through the growth of roots from stem cuttings or the development of new shoots from runners.
Statement III is false because budding is a method of asexual reproduction where a bud, not gametes, is inserted into the bark of another plant.


1. What is asexual reproduction, and how does it differ from sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is a process in which young ones are created from a single parent without the need for gametes (sex cells) or fertilization. Asexual reproduction, as opposed to sexual reproduction, which includes the union of two parents' gametes, generates genetically identical children.

2. What are the different methods of asexual reproduction in plants and animals?

Plants often reproduce asexually by fragmentation, budding, and vegetative propagation. Animals exhibit binary fission, budding, regeneration, and parthenogenesis.

3. Can asexual reproduction lead to genetic diversity in offspring?

Asexual reproduction creates pupils who are genetically identical to their parents, resulting in low genetic variety. However, mutations can occur during asexual reproduction, resulting in some variance in progeny.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction has several advantages, including fast reproduction, efficient resource utilization, and the capacity to colonize new ecosystems quickly. However, one significant downside is a lack of genetic variety, which might render populations more vulnerable to environmental changes and illnesses.

5. Give some examples of asexual plants?

Here are some examples of asexual plants:

  1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
  2. Bryophyllum (Bryophyllum spp.)
  3. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis)
  4. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
  5. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

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