Worksheet on Collocation for Class 7

Questions on Collocation and Its Types - Class 7

Fill in the following blanks with the correct collocation:

1. I knew she was Jim’s daughter because the girl _____________ to her father.

a) bore resemblance
b) showed similarity
c) displayed traits
d) looked like

Answer: a)

2. Both the sisters had ____________ and were very supportive to each other.

a) spacial problem
b) superiority complex
c) inferiority complex
d) close bonding

Answer: d)

3. In literature, the writing technique of using exaggerated statements for emphasis is ____________ hyperbole.

a) commonly called
b) basically called
c) obviously called
d) seriously called

Answer: a)

4. In academic discussions, the research findings of Sigmund Frued are __________________ due to their significant impact on the field of psychology.

a) frequently cited
b) almost forgotten
c) baseless
d) worthless

Answer: a)

5. We got wary of the ____________ music played by a neighbour over-night and decided to request him to lower down the volume.

a) slouch 
b) couch
c) loud
d) slow

Answer: c)

6. She seems to have become _______ charged after a cup of ________ coffee.

a) ethically, heavy
b) menially, light
c) highly, strong
d) lowly, mild

Answer: c)

7. The patient seemed to be _______ ill when he was brought to the hospital early this morning.

a) brutally
b) critically
c) comically
d) badly

Answer: b)

8. The committee will first look into the matter and then ________ the issue at hand justifiably.

a) subtly
b) critical
c) address
d) mandate

Answer: c)

9. The _______ effects of climate change are now being experienced everywhere around the world with people realising the harmful effects of some human activities.

a) brighter
b) adverse
c) diverse
d) deviate

Answer: b)

10. The principal encouraged _________ competition among the students through various contests held from time to time in the school.

a) stealthy
b) healthy
c) wealthy
d) stiffer

Answer: b)

Choose the correct collocation that best completes the sentence: 

11. Please make your ______ on the registration form.

a) doing
b) mark
c) decision
d) point

Answer: b) 

12. Shelly gave a _____ performance in the school play.

a) powerful
b) strong
c) brilliant
d) heavy

Answer: c) 

13. Did he _______ a serious mistake during the exam?

a) made
b) did
c) caused
d) committed

Answer: a) 

14. Zayn was _______ with joy when he heard the good news.

a) bursting
b) exploding
c) breaking
d) filling

Answer: a) 

15. It's hard to _______ a secret for a long time.

a) do
b) hold
c) make
d) keep

Answer: d) 

16. I need to ______ a decision by tomorrow.

a) do
b) make
c) take
d) give

Answer: b) 

17. Alice _______ a quick recovery after the minor surgery.

a) did
b) made
c) had
d) took

Answer: c) 

18. You must ______ attention in class.

a) give
b) make
c) take
d) pay

Answer: d) 

19. They _______ a trip to France for this summer.

a) made
b) planned
c) arranged
d) organised

Answer: c) 

20. Daniel finally _______ his mind about moving to a new city.

a) changed
b) made
c) took
d) decided

Answer: a)

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