Worksheet on Comparing Quantities

Practice Questions on Comparing Quantities

Solved Questions on Comparing Quantities

1. An article is marked 40% above the cost price and sold at a 15% discount. What is the profit percent made?

a) 15%
b) 17%
c) 19%
d) 21%

Answer: c) 19%

Explanation: Let the cost price (C.P.) of an article be $100.

An article is marked 40% above the cost price.


2. The cost price of 10 pencils is the same as the selling price of 8 pencils. What is the profit or loss per cent made if all the pencils bought are considered to be sold?

a) 20% Profit
b) 25% Profit
c) 25% Loss
d) 25% No Profit No Loss

Answer: b) 25% Profit

Explanation: Let the cost price of 10 pencils be $100.

Selling price of 8 pencils = Cost price of 10 pencils = $100


3. An old car is bought for $12000 and $100 is spent on its transportation. What is the selling price of it in order to gain 5% on the whole? 

a) $12705
b) $12750
c) $13705
d) $13750

Answer: a) $12705

Explanation: C.P. of an old car = $12000

Amount spent on transportation = $100

Total C.P. of a car = $(12000 + 100) = $12100

Profit% = 5%


4. Antony and Brutus invest $36000 and $25000, respectively at the same rate of interest per annum. If at the end of 4 years, Antony gets $2860 more interest than Brutus, what is the rate of interest per annum?

a) 5%
b) 5%
c) 5%
d) 5%

Answer: c) 6.5%



5. If 7.5 : 13 :: Z : 78, what will be the value of 7Z?

a) 295
b) 315
c) 365
d) 395

Answer: b) 315


Product of extremes = Product of means
⇒ 7.5 × 78= 13 × Z [If a : b :: c : d then ad = bc]
⇒ Z = 7.5×7813
⇒ Z = 45

Value of 7Z = 7 × Z = 7 × 45 = 315

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