Worksheet on Nutrition in Plants - Class 7 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Solved Questions on Nutrients in Plants

1. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option:

Statement 1: Saprophytic nutrition is a mode of nutrition in which organisms obtain nutrients from dead and decaying matter.
Statement 2: Saprophytic nutrition is exclusive to plants.

a) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect.
b) Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct.
c) Both statements are correct.
d) Both statements are incorrect.

Answer: Statement 1 is accurate as saprophytic nutrition refers to the mode of obtaining nutrients from dead and decaying matter, which is applicable to various organisms such as fungi and bacteria. However, statement 2 is incorrect since saprophytic nutrition is not exclusive to plants; it is observed in multiple organisms across different kingdoms.

2. What is the purpose of boiling the leaf in water in the experiment to test for starch?

a) To remove excess water from the leaf
b) To stop ongoing chemical reactions
c) To break down the leaf's cell walls
d) To enhance the leaf's colour for better observation

Answer: b) The purpose of boiling the leaf in water in the experiment to test for starch is to stop ongoing chemical reactions. Boiling the leaf denatures enzymes present in the leaf, effectively halting any ongoing metabolic processes that could interfere with the starch test. This ensures that the results of the test reflect the presence or absence of starch accurately.

3. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option:

I. Carnivorous plants obtain their nutrients by trapping and consuming small animals.
II. All carnivorous plants are incapable of photosynthesis.
III. Carnivorous plants have adaptations that help them capture prey.

a) Only I is correct.
b) Only III is correct.
c) II and III are correct.
d) I and III are correct.

Answer: d) Statement I is correct: Carnivorous plants obtain their nutrients by trapping and consuming small animals.
Statement II is incorrect: All carnivorous plants are incapable of photosynthesis.
Statement III is correct: Carnivorous plants have adaptations that help them capture prey.

4. Please review the following statements and determine which one is true and which one is false.

I: Autotrophic nutrition involves organisms producing their own food from inorganic substances.
II: Symbiotic relationships involve two organisms living together and sharing shelter and nutrients.
III: Parasitic plants are independent of other organisms for their nutrition.

a) I: True, II: False, III: True
b) I: False, II: True, III: False
c) I: True, II: True, III: False
d) I: False, II: False, III: True

Answer: c) Statement I is true: Autotrophic nutrition involves organisms producing their own food from inorganic substances.
Statement II is true: Symbiotic relationships involve two organisms living together and sharing shelter and nutrients.
Statement III is false: Parasitic plants are not independent of other organisms for their nutrition. Instead, they rely on other organisms, known as hosts, to derive nutrients.

5. In an experiment to determine the rate of photosynthesis, several identical potted plants were placed under different light conditions. After a specific period of time, the amount of oxygen produced by each plant was measured. What would be the expected outcome?

a) Plants exposed to the highest light intensity will produce the most oxygen, while those in low light will produce the least.
b) Plants exposed to the lowest light intensity will produce the most oxygen, while those in high light will produce the least.
c) All plants will produce the same amount of oxygen regardless of light intensity.
d) Plants exposed to any light intensity will not produce oxygen due to the absence of carbon dioxide.

Answer: a) Photosynthesis is a process that requires light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Light is a crucial factor that drives photosynthesis. In this experiment, when plants are exposed to higher light intensity, they receive more energy to fuel the photosynthetic process. As a result, they produce a higher amount of oxygen. Conversely, plants in low-light conditions receive less energy, leading to a lower rate of oxygen production. Thus, the expected outcome is that the plants exposed to the highest light intensity will produce the most oxygen, while those in low light will produce the least.


1. What are nutrients, and why are they important for plants?

Spinning is the technique of twisting fibres to create fabric. It strengthens the fibres and prepares them to be woven or stitched into fabric.

2. What are the main nutrients required by plants?

To grow and operate properly, plants require macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients such as iron, magnesium, and calcium.

3. How do plants obtain nutrients from the soil?

Plant roots take nutrients from the soil solutions. The roots absorb dissolved nutrients in water and transmit them throughout the plant using the vascular system.

4. How does potassium benefit plants?

Potassium controls water absorption and loss, improves drought tolerance, increases disease resistance, and boosts overall plant health and vigour.

5. What are the symptoms of nutrient deficiency in plants?

Nutrient deficiency symptoms vary depending on the specific nutrient lacking, but common signs include yellowing or browning of leaves, stunted growth, leaf distortion, and poor fruit or flower development.

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