Worksheet on Prepositions for Class 7

Questions on Prepositions and Its Types - Class 7

1. l thought drones are being used _____ fun _____hobbyists, yet, they serve as an essential tool ______ photographers these days.

a) for, by, for
b) from, at, by
c) in, on, for
d) of, from, in

Answer: a)

2. While red roses are symbols ______ passionate love, black roses relate ______ the big changes that sometimes accompany life. Breakups, divorce, and a fading relationship are all appropriate occasions _______ black roses, since these flowers represent the end _____ a relationship and the start ______ something new.

a) of, to, for, of, of
b) from, by, in, of
c) of, at, in, of
d) by, in, to, for

Answer: a)

3. Logistics refers ______ the overall process of managing how resources are acquired, stored, and transported ______ their final destination. 

a) of, at
b) to, to 
c) in, by
d) for, off

Answer: b)

4. In simple terms, the goal _______ logistics management is _____ have the right amount ____ a resource or input _____ the right time, getting it _____ the appropriate location ______ proper condition, and delivering it ______ the correct internal or external customer.

a) of, to, of, at, to, in, to
b) by, of, from, to, for, between, in
c) on, in, of, at, by, to, to
d) at, in, of, off, from, by, on

Answer: a)

5. Peperomia plants will leave you wondering why you didn’t think ____ them ________ this and very glad that you’ve finally found their kind. Low-maintenance, less watering requirements, and versatile aesthetics – these plants are everything you may need and want!

a) of, before
b) from, in
c) of, off
d) of, of

Answer: a)

6. Scandinavia is a subregion of Northern Europe, with strong historical, cultural, and linguistic ties _______ its constituent peoples. Scandinavia most commonly refers ______ Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

a) of, for
b) between, to
c) in, by
d) within, of

Answer: b)

7. Magnesium is a cofactor ________more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions _____ the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.

a) in, in, 
b) of, of
c) at, by
d) by, at

Answer: a)

8. Dietary surveys _____ people _____ the United States consistently show that many people consume less than recommended amounts ______ magnesium. 

a) at, of, from
b) by, in, for
c) of, in, of
d) for, for, by

Answer: c)

9. One reason why large online retailers have come _____ dominate the retail landscape is the overall innovation and efficiency _____ their logistics along every link _____ the supply chain.

a) to, of, of 
b) in, by, for
c) of, at, in
d) on, in, from

Answer: a)

10. The success of the project depended ___________ the team's ability to work collaboratively and adhere ___________ strict deadlines.

a) at, with
b) upon, to
c) in, for
d) from, on

Answer: b) upon, to

11. The success of the new marketing strategy was largely dependent ___________ the team's ability to analyse market trends effectively and adapt ___________ the changing consumer preferences in real-time.

a) on, for
b) upon, to
c) in, for
d) from, on

Answer: b)

12. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition:

This machine ______________ four parts. I assembled all the parts within an hour. (CREST 2021-22)

a) comprises of 
b) comprises
c) consists 
d) comprises to

Answer: b)

13. Despite the numerous challenges faced during the construction, the engineers managed to complete the bridge ___________ the deadline and ___________ budget, ensuring both safety and efficiency.

a) by, under
b) at, within
c) before, on
d) after, over

Answer: a)

14. The teacher emphasised the importance of understanding the context ___________ each historical event and encouraged the students to think critically ___________ the causes and consequences of these events.

a) on, by
b) around, for
c) behind, about
d) within, in

Answer: c)

15. The scientists conducted various experiments ___________ the laboratory to determine the effects of different chemicals ___________ the growth of bacteria under controlled conditions.

a) in, on
b) at, for
c) with, over
d) through, by

Answer: a)

16. During the conference, the keynote speaker addressed the impact of technological advancements ___________ modern education and highlighted the need ___________ continuous innovation in teaching methods.

a) with, for
b) in, about
c) on, for
d) by, with

Answer: c) 

17. Choose the correct preposition to fill in the blank: 

I like to stay in this hotel because it’s adjacent ________ a great shopping mall. (CREST 2022-23)

a) for
b) with
c) of
d) To

Answer: d)

18. The director's vision ___________ the film was brought to life ___________ the collaborative efforts of the entire production team, from the actors to the crew members.

a) for, by
b) about, with
c) on, from
d) behind, through

Answer: a)

19. The environmental impact study revealed significant damage ___________ the ecosystem caused ___________ deforestation and pollution over the past decade.

a) on, by
b) to, from
c) within, for
d) through, with

Answer: b)

20. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition:

The family problem started ______ a petty quarrel over the responsibilities.(CREST 2023-24)

a) after 
b) over
c) to 
d) beside

Answer: a)

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