Worksheet on Spoken and Written Expressions for Class 7

Questions on Spoken and Written Expressions - Class 7

I. Read the given dialogue and fill in the blanks from 1-5 to complete the conversation:

Mike: Hey, Carlos, I heard the football team selections were posted today. How did it go for you?
Carlos: Well, you're ______1________of the team! I made it!
Mike: That's awesome, man! Congratulations! I knew you'd make it. But, uh, I didn't see my name on the list.
Carlos: Oh no, really? That's a bummer, Mike. I was hoping we'd be ___2______this year.
Mike: Yeah, me too. I guess I didn't perform as well as they wanted during the tryouts.
Carlos: It doesn't mean you're not a great player, Mike. Sometimes these things are just so subjective.
Mike: Thanks, Carlos. It's_______3______, you know? I was really looking forward to playing in the championship this year.
Carlos: I get it. But hey, I'll make sure to ______4_______on all the games and practices. Maybe next time, you'll be right there with me on the field.
Mike: Yeah, I appreciate that. I'll still come and cheer you guys on. It's just tough knowing I won't be out there playing alongside you.
Carlos: Absolutely, man. Your support means a lot. And who knows, maybe there'll be other opportunities for you to showcase your skills. You're still an awesome player in my book, Mike.
Mike: Thanks, Carlos.________5_______. Good luck in the championship, and make sure to score one for me out there!

1. What will come in blank 1?

a) looking at the newest member
b) relishing the sight of
c) are you ready to be bowled over
d) the talented captain 

Answer: a)

2. What will come in blank 2?

a) soulmates
b) classmates
c) teammates
d) playmates

Answer: c)

3. What will come in blank 3?

a) moral boosting
b) just a bit disappointing
c) lopsided 
d) biased and partial

Answer: b)

4. What will come in blank 4?

a) keep you updated 
b) make you jealous
c) give regular commentary
d) surely admire you

Answer: a)

5. What will come in blank 5?

a) I’m sure to beat that
b) I'll take that to heart
c) I can swear I have got guts
d) I can drive you nuts

Answer: b)

II. Read the given dialogue and fill in the blanks from 6-10 to complete the conversation:

Hannah: Maria, we really need to figure out how to present this data for our science project. The deadline _______6________.
Maria: Well, if you had listened to my ideas from the beginning, we wouldn't be in this mess. I suggested using graphs, but no, you insisted on charts.
Hannah: Charts are clearer! Your graphs would just confuse everyone. It's your fault for not understanding that.
Maria: It's not about understanding; it's about communication. You never consider my opinions.__________7______________.
Hannah: Your way is just too complicated. I don't have time for all those details.
Maria: If_________8____________, you'd see it's not that complicated.
Hannah: (rolls eyes) Fine, explain then.
Maria: We could use graphs to show the trends more visually. It's not that hard, and it would make our project stand out.
Hannah: (pauses) Oh. I guess that makes sense.
Maria: See? Communication is the key. We need ______9 _______ to each other.
Hannah: (sighs) You're right. I shouldn't have dismissed your ideas without considering them.
Maria: And I shouldn't have been so forceful in pushing my ideas. I'm sorry, Hannah.
Hannah: (smiles) I'm sorry too, Maria. Let's work together and make this project the best it can be.
Maria: Agreed. Teamwork, right?
Hannah: Absolutely. ______10________it is.

6. What will come in blank 6?

a) is approaching
b) is marching
c) is raining
d) is occurring soon

Answer: a)

7. What will come in blank 7?

a) make hay while the Sun shines
b) It's always your way or the highway
c) always the survival of the fittest
d) always a stitch in time saves nine

Answer: b)

8. What will come in blank 8?

a) you'd give me a chance to explain
b) could give your keen attention to me
c) could take a deep breath
d) could slow down your pace

Answer: a)

9. What will come in blank 9?

a) embark on an adventurous journey
b) to listen
c) to outshine
d) to outperform

Answer: b)

10. What will come in blank 10?

a) Guesswork
b) Crossword
c) Teamwork 
d) Great work

Answer: c)

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