Worksheet on Synonyms for Class 7

Practice Questions on Synonyms for Class 7

Choose the option which is not a synonym of the highlighted word:

1. At the principal's behest, the students organised a charity event to raise funds for a local community initiative, demonstrating the school's commitment to social responsibility.

a) instruction
b) direction
c) order
d) plunge

Answer: d)

Choose the option which is not a synonym of the highlighted word:

2. After presenting a compelling defence, the defendant was granted acquittal by the jury, as they found insufficient evidence to support the charges brought against them.

a) conviction
b) exoneration
c) absolution
d) vindication

Answer: a)

Choose the option which is not a synonym of the highlighted word:

3. Before investing in the stock market, there is an essential caveat for the investors to consider about the risks involved.

a) warning
b) disclaimer
c) caution
d) articulation

Answer: d)

Choose the option which is not a synonym of the highlighted word:

4. The business experienced a period of doldrums, marked by slow sales and reduced customer engagement, prompting the need for innovative strategies to revitalise and regain market momentum.

a) stagnation
b) malaise
c) slump
d) elation

Answer: d)

Choose the option which is not a synonym of the highlighted word:

5. The politician’s speech was filled with pomposity, using overly complex language and grandiose expressions that left the audience more bewildered than impressed.

a) ostentation
b) pretension
c) munificent
d) grandiloquence

Answer: c)

Choose the option which is not a synonym of the highlighted word:

6. The teacher’s icy stare petrified the little kid.

a) terrified
b) horrified
c) appalled
d) lissomed

Answer: d)

Choose the option which is not a synonym of the highlighted word:

7. The bowler was accused of tampering with the ball by the batsman.

a) interfering
b) tinker
c) slander
d) meddle

Answer: c)

Choose the option which is a synonym of the highlighted word:

8. The teacher felt the need to reiterate the key concepts of the lesson to ensure that all students fully grasped the fundamental principles before moving on to the next topic.

a) recapitulate
b) restoration
c) subterfuge
d) sartorial

Answer: a)

9. Instead of going out for partying with friends, Samantha preferred to sit in the serenity of the quiet lake.

a) tranquillity
b) composure
c) calmness
d) frenzy

Answer: d)

10. After a hearty meal, the delicious dessert is served to satiate their sweet cravings, leaving them content and fully satisfied.

a) gratify
b) saturate
c) satisfy
d) resurrect

Answer: d)

11. Choose the word similar to the given word from the given set of options:

Synopsis (CREST 2021-22)

a) preface 
b) appendix
c) summary 
d) conclusion

Answer: c)

12. The timid rabbit darted across the path, disappearing into the bushes.

a) crawled
b) hopped slowly
c) dashed quickly
d) carried

Answer: c)

13. The teacher explained the concept clearly, ensuring everyone understood.

a) confused
b) simplified
c) ignored
d) repeated

Answer: b)

14. The loud music made it difficult to concentrate on studying.

a) focus
b) relax
c) sing along
d) eat

Answer: a)

15. Choose the synonym of the given word: 

Debacle (CREST 2022-23)

a) Disaster 
b) Triumph 
c) Creation 
d) Accomplishment

Answer: a)

16. The athlete showed great determination to win the competition.

a) doubt
b) fear
c) laziness
d) perseverance

Answer: d)

17. The delicious smell of cookies wafted through the air.

a) disappeared
b) blew strongly
c) filled pleasantly
d) tasted strange

Answer: c)

18. The magician performed a mystifying trick that left everyone speechless.

a) boring
b) confusing
c) easy to understand
d) colourful

Answer: b)

19. We need to be courteous to others, even when we disagree.

a) loud
b) rude
c) polite
d) messy

Answer: c)

20. Choose the word similar to the given word from the given set of options:

Disregard (CREST 2023-24)

a) safeguarding 
b) neglecting
c) ignoring 
d) nurturing

Answer: c)

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