Worksheet on Tense for Class 7

Questions on Tense and Its Types - Class 7

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb:

1. Shyla’s eyes reflected that she _______________ the whole night.

a) was cried
b) had been crying
c) cries
d) were crying

Answer: b)

2. I ____________________ the competition without your help, thank you for your suggestions.

a) couldn’t have won
b) haven’t won
c) would have won
d) could have won

Answer: a)

3. He _________ with me on each clause except one which created a deadlock between, so the deal was ___________.

a) greed, called off
b) agrees, calls off
c) has agreed, called off
d) is agreeing, call off

Answer: a)

4. We started __________ for more clues and evidence to prove our case.

a) searches
b) searched
c) searching
d) are searching

Answer: c)

5. The vase wasn’t expensive. It _________ cost much.

a) couldn’t 
b) has
c) wasn’t
d) didn’t

Answer: d)

6. By the time we arrive home, they ______________ for an hour.

a) will have been waiting
b) waited
c) would have waiting
d) could have waited

Answer: a)

7. Gone _______ the days of slavery and superstitions, we _______ logical, scientific and free human beings now.

a) were, are
b) was, were
c) are, are
d) is, is

Answer: a) 

8. By the time I cook, the baby ____________ for an hour.

a) would sleeping
b) hadn't slept
c) will have slept
d) will sleep

Answer: c)

9. It was so obvious that it ________ come as a surprise.

a) didn’t
b) did 
c) couldn’t
d) hadn’t

Answer: a)

10. She seems to __________ her umbrella here. Can you please give it to her when you meet her next?

a) forgets
b) forgot
c) have forgotten
d) had forgotten

Answer: c)

11. Choose the correct verb form or tense from the options to complete the statement:

She used to bring me lunch every weekend, but she _______ now. (CREST 2021-22)

a) rarely comes 
b) was rarely coming
c) rarely come 
d) rarely coming

Answer: a)

12. Shelly ________ her presentation by the time the meeting ________.

a) will finish, starts
b) finishes, starting
c) will have finished, starts
d) finished, start

Answer: c) 

13. We ________ for the bus when it suddenly ________ to rain.

a) wait, started
b) waited, start
c) are waiting, starts
d) were waiting, started

Answer: d) 

14. By next year, Alice ________ her degree and ________ for a job.

a) will complete, is looking
b) completes, looks
c) will have completed, will be looking
d) completed, looks

Answer: c) 

15. Jonas ________ all his assignments on time, but this one ________ him a lot of trouble.

a) submits, gave
b) submitted, gives
c) submits, giving
d) submitting, give

Answer: b) 

16. Choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the blank: 

We went to that place with a view ____________ the earthquake victims. (CREST 2022-23)

a) to help 
b) to have been helped 
c) to helping 
d) to being helped

Answer: a)

17. Scarlet ________ the package yesterday, but it still ________ to her grandmother’s place.

a) sent, hasn't arrived
b) send, doesn't arrive
c) sending, hasn't arrived
d) sends, didn't arrive

Answer: a) 

18. Daniel usually ________ his coffee black, but today he ________ some milk in it.

a) drinks, added
b) drink, adding
c) drank, adds
d) drinks, adds

Answer: a) 

19. We ________ for a new apartment, but we ________ one we like yet.

a) are looking, haven't found
b) looked, not finding
c) look, don't find
d) looking, haven't found

Answer: a) 

20. Choose the correct verb form or tense from the options to complete the statement:

I ______ for a few minutes when it suddenly started to rain. (CREST 2023-24)

a) have jogged
b) have been jogging
c) had been jogging
d) is been jogging

Answer: c)

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