Worksheet on Adjective for Class 8

Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

1. The teacher praised the child for being ___________ than other students of his age.

a) most articulate
b) more articulate
c) articulater
d) both b and c

Answer: b)

2. Among the conventional methods employed in the industry, the approach adopted by their team was deemed the ______________ and effective in achieving unparalleled results, distinguishing it as the _____________ choice in the realm of innovative solutions.

a) most comprehensive, most appropriate
b) comprehensier, approriatest
c) more comprehensive, more appropriate
d) more comprehensively, most appropriate

Answer: a)

3. Her impeccable attention to detail and flawless execution of tasks earned her the reputation of being the _______________ and thorough employee in the department, making her contributions remarkable.

a) most meticulous
b) more meticulous
c) meticulous
d) more meticulously

Answer: a)

4. The gregarious nature of the host made her the ____________ and affable individual at the gathering, creating an atmosphere that was lit up in warmth and conviviality.

a) most sociably
b) socialist
c) most sociable
d) more sociable

Answer: c)

5. His unbridled enthusiasm for the project surpassed that of any other team member, showcasing a _____________ commitment and dedication towards its success.

a) more fervent
b) most fervent
c) more fervently
d) fervent

Answer: a)

6. The police have decided to take a _____________ action against the pickpockets this time, in order to maintain the law and order in the city.

a) strongest
b) most stringent
c) more stringent
d) stringently

Answer: c)

7. Her ____________ demeanour, compared to others at the event, made her stand out as the ___________ individual, presenting herself with an air of superiority.

a) pretentious, most ostentatious
b) more pretentious, more ostentatious
c) most pretentious, most ostentatious
d) pretentious, ostentatious

Answer: a)

8. The suspect's sinister motives, when compared to the other suspects, appeared the ________________ and cunning, hiding behind a facade of innocence that was unmatched in its deceitfulness.

a) malevolent
b) malevolentest
c) most malevolent
d) more malevolent

Answer: d)

9. Among the available tools, the Swiss Army knife proved to be the _______________, demonstrating an unmatched range of functionalities that outshone all other options on the market.

a) most versatile
b) versatile
c) more versatile
d) most versatility

Answer: a)

10. The elephantine structure, compared to the other architectural marvels, stood as the ________________ and grandiose, showcasing an unmatched magnitude that left onlookers in awe of its sheer size and majesty.

a) colossal
b) more colossal
c) most colossal
d) more colossally

Answer: c)

11. Identify the type of adjective:

The physical workouts in the gym are painful. (CREST 2021-22)

a) interrogative adjective 
b) adjective of quantity
c) demonstrative adjective 
d) adjective of quality

Answer: d)

12. As the Sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the ________________ mountains, covered in a blanket of snow, offering a breathtaking view from the valley below. 

a) lofty 
b) loftier 
c) loftiest 
d) more lofty

Answer: c)

13. Scarlet's calm demeanour and articulate responses during the interview set her apart, making her performance the ________________. 

a) impressive 
b) impressively 
c) more impressive 
d) most impressive

Answer: d) 

14. Meandering through the verdant landscape, the ________________ river flowed gently through the lush green meadows, reflecting the azure sky above. 

a) serene 
b) more serene 
c) most serene 
d) serenely

Answer: a)

15. With meticulous attention to detail and a clear vision in mind, the scientist presented his findings in a ________________ manner, using complex charts and diagrams to illustrate his points. 

a) clear
b) clearer
c) most clear
d) more clearly

Answer: d)

16. Throughout the semester, the ________________ students in the class always completed their assignments ahead of schedule, demonstrating their commitment to academic excellence. 

a) diligent
b) diligently
c) more diligent
d) most diligent

  1. Answer: d) 

17. With flawless execution and impeccable timing, the play was a captivating spectacle that enraptured the audience, showcasing the actors' ________________ talents. 

a) perfectly
b) more perfect
c) most perfect
d) perfect

Answer: a) 

18. Roaring like a lion unleashed from its cage, the ________________ storm raged through the coastal town, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake, a reminder of nature's raw power. 

a) fierce
b) fiercely
c) fiercer
d) most fierce

Answer: a)

19. In the vast expanse of the desert, the ________________ dunes shifted with the wind, creating an ever-changing landscape that mesmerised travellers. 

a) sandy
b) sandier
c) sandiest
d) sandily

Answer: c) 

20. The ________________ landscape stretched as far as the eye could see, with rolling hills and lush green valleys painting a picturesque scene. 

a) idyllic
b) more idyllic
c) most idyllic
d) idyllically

Answer: c)

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